
Saturday, May 12, 2007

Image: The Horsehead Nebula
(but of course! What else would I chose for my first image?)

Ah...A purpose!

When I created Spacefreighters Lounge it was more or less to test the features of the new blog template. Once done playing, it needed to decide what to be when it grew up. Since my other blog deals with my work and the writing industry in general, this one required its own identity and reason for existance.

Aha! ::: lightbulb ::: or should that be ::: exploding nebula :::

Since I'm in constant search of new information to pour into my fictional universes, I decided this might be a good place to post news, information, and links for recent discoveries and theories that could be used to, propel the imagination of science fiction and futuristic fantasy writers.

So read, comment, learn...and enjoy the ride!

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