
Monday, October 29, 2007

P2PC Progress Report: The Best Intentions...

Wow. An entire day just to write. Yahoo. Couldn't wait to get started. It was 7:00 am.

I sat down to focus on the ending of P2PC, which I feel needs the most work. My to do list included re-reading my critiques and making edits and revisions to the current draft, as needed. Next, I planned to extract Chapters 23 - End and apply concentrated effort to whipping the conclusion into shape.

OK, that's what I planned.


Realized it was approaching 8:00 am and went out to open the gate for water delivery.
Empty horse tanks had to be filled before water was delivered.
Water deliver showed up at 8:30 -- another 2,000 gallons since Thursday. Gah!
Then the former barn manager stopped by to drop off her key and garage door opener.
And we chatted.
Then the brand new manager showed up to start work and had a few questions.
And we chatted.
Short break to grab lunch.
Wrote a couple of critiques and read Kristin Nelson's Pubrants blog on pitches.
Then the well people arrived to do the assessment on our (apparently failing) well.
Frequent trips made to see how things are going. Not well. (No pun intended.)
After talking over options with them for an hour, they left.
I returned to filling horse tanks and the water promptly stops flowing. Yikes!!!
Call well guy back frantically (ACK! -ly adverb) to tell them something has gone wrong.
Well guy returns 45 minutes later and switches the breaker back on that he forgot when he left.
Horseshoer calls to schedule next round of trims and shoes.
Call spouse and report on all findings. *puff, puff*
By then it's 6:45 and I'm just sitting down to start on my to do list for the day.
Needless to say, I didn't get much done.
Tomorrow, and the next four days, are work days.

And so it goes...


  1. oh gawd , laurie. Wipe that day out. It never happened.

  2. That sounds like a broken dryer, broken washing machine and food poisoning day. You have my sympathy.

  3. Thanks, guys.

    Yeah, we've all been here.


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