
Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sunday Morning

What I'm reading: I'm debating whether to start DEAD BEAT from Jim Butcher's Dresden Files series, THE BLACK SHEEP AND THE PRINCESS by Donna Kaufman, or DEVIL INSIDE by Jenna Black. All were Dawn's suggestions and one was a Christmas gift.

What I'm writing: I'm wrestling the P2PC Synopsis alligator. Such a struggle to cram this ambitious plot into a coherent summary, but I know it will get there with more work. It's also a given that some agent/editor will require one. (I've avoided that sitch, so far.)

What I'm critiqueing: Other people's queries. Call it a study project. :)

Over on Toasted Scimitar, I wrote an article about the Amazon Kindle--the new electronic paper reader. I'm very intrigued with this concept since finding time to read is always a task, and yet I often end up stuck somewhere without a book when I could be entertaining myself and making great use of my time. Like yesterday, waiting for David at the optical shop while he ordered multiple pairs of eyeglasses. Gah! Boredom set in. Big time. *smacks forehead* I coulda hadda Kindle!

OK, back to housework and wrestling alligators.


  1. LOL Well, since you recommended those, I'd better take your advice. LOL I probably should check out the Fantasy Icon/Legend first, especially since there's such a rumble building about his new one that's coming out. :)

  2. Jenna Black, Jenna Black!! it was very good. I have read another of hers though and wasn't so keen but this one is inspiring and you know what it takes to get me excited!!

  3. Yeah, it's a tough call. Two very different stories, both highly recommended. *holds a book in each hand* Jim Butcher. Jenna Black. Jim Butcher. Jenna Black. Hmmmm. Eeny...meeny...


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