
Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Yes, I'm guilty of having a RIB. There's a cure. It's called more free time. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to buy, beg, borrow or steal any of that lately. So this blog has fallen into RIBdom. What the heck is a RIB, you ask? It's a Ridiculously Idle Blog. *sigh* Guilty as charged.

But, of the reasons it's been idle is that I've been inspired and blazing away on my next two SciFiRom projects, generally referred to as Draxis and Planets.

Still. It's no excuse. I must recommit myself to annihilating the RIB. The RIB must die. Down with the RIB. Give me RIBerty or give me... OK. I got carried away.

So, anywho...what's in the pipe?

A review of DEAD BEAT by Jim Butcher (a Dresden files novel) should be here soon.

I'm also having serious heartburn over a sequel I read that seemed to succumb to a severe case of Sequilitis [yes, I'm coining a new phrase] (which is when a really great premise, plot and characters are introduced in the first book and utterly destroyed in the second...IMHO, of course). I'm hoping to broach the discussion without thoroughly skewering the author. We'll see how that goes.

I recently joined Shelfari, where you can create a bookshelf of "reads" and "to reads," write reviews, share your insights and join like-minded SCIENCE FICTION ROMANCE for instance. (You knew I was going to give my genre a plug, now didn't you?) Check it out here:

On a sad note, I lost a four-legged member of the family yesterday. "Addie" (registered as Bold Addition) had been with us for 18 years, and was one of the first two horses to step foot on our ranch. She was a granddaughter of Successor, who was Secretariat's brother (actually a 3/4 brother, but I didn't want to get too genetically technical). She had a foal many years ago that we registered as To Boldly Go, nicknamed "Trekkie." (Yes, an old Star Trek fan here. One of my screen names used to be ShezaTrekkie.) I spent the day alternating between tears and hysteria. Do you know how difficult it is to make, uh "funeral arrangements" for a 1300 pound animal who drops dead in her stall? The logistics are not pretty.

I'll be back soon with more genre news, links and general Anti-RIB rambling.


  1. Laurie,

    I'm so sorry to hear about Addie. I can only imagine what you went through with the "logistics."

    My thoughts and prayers are with you (big hug).


  2. Very sorry to hear about Addie's passing. What a shock that must have been.

  3. Thank you, Lisa and Heather. Yeah, after 18 years she was like one of our kiddos. Thanks for your thoughts.


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