
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Interview with Barbara Elsborg

Barbara Elsborg: Author and Reader Extraordinaire!

Q: In addition to being the published author of two erotica e-novels, Perfect Timing a Contemporary by Ellora's Cave and Consolation Prize, a Fantasy/Vampire by LooseId, with two more sold and many more waiting in the wings, you are also a Reader Extraordinaire! You told me this week you finished three books in one day. :O What books did you read?

A: Those three books were -

ALIEN ENCOUNTERS -Ladd, Nash, Tomas and Toombs

The first of those was one of the best historical romances I've read. The second was disappointing and the third just average. I haven't read much of Hamilton though I do love vampire and paranormal stories.

Q: On the average, how many books do you read in a week?

A: When I'm in the UK, maybe eight on average. In the US that would go up to twelve on average but could be twenty.

Q: *gulps* Wow. Have you taken formal speed reading training, or are you just a natural (and what’s your secret)?

A: No training - I just read very fast and I read for hours. My reading speed is about 75 pages in 25 minutes - I know that because I read on the exercise bike at the gym. I sort of see the words in blocks rather than reading each one individually - maybe that has something to do with it. I've always read a lot but having to read quickly at university pushed my speed up. Dickens in a night!!

Q: Do you read all genres or tend to stay with certain ones? What’s your favorite genre/s?

A: I read all genres. I can't think of one I haven't read at one time or another. I used to only read suspense and horror. Then I moved to romantic comedy and that led me to scifi romance and straight scifi and to historical romance and erotic romance. I tend to swap and change. What I read depends on my mood. If I need comfort reading - funny historicals hit the button every time. Or Harlen Coben - he makes me laugh.

Q: Who is/are your favorite author(s)?

A: That's hard - I couldn't name one but I might fill pages with those I really like. Jenny Crusie, Lisa Jewel, Julia Quinn, Mary Balogh, Fiona Walker, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Jill Winters, Adele Parks, Freya North, JR Ward, Keri Arthur, Harlen Coben, Dean Koonz, Lee Child, Nelson Demille - with those writers I would buy automatically without reading the blurb.

Q: Do you have an all-time favorite book, and if so, what is it?

A: No, I couldn't pick one.

Q: Do you think reading has a direct influence on your writing?

A: Absolutely - I used to write suspense when I read mostly suspense. Once I discovered romance, I started to write romance. When I read a good book, it makes me want to be as good as that author. A more recent interest in scifi romance caused me to start a novella of my own about a spaceship landing on a woman's flowerbed - much to her fury. Next on my - must finish list.

Q: How many novels have you completed? (Peeks through fingers and feels unworthy.)

A: Eight full length novels, plus a first hidden in the closet never to see the light of day, seven long novellas - average 60,000. Three more part written.

Q: That's amazing. How long have you been writing?

A: I'd guess - nine years old when I wrote stories based on TV series. First novel took about five years in my twenties and then I messed around with other sorts of writing - travel articles for the largest regional newspaper in the UK etc until about ten years ago. Then I got serious!!!

Q: You live in England (most of the time). Does this have an impact on your writing, reading or both?

A: I write more in the UK than in Florida. Read more in Florida. Maybe I have a rest here and build up ideas. My suspense stories were set in the US, but my romances have been set in the UK. I've never tried to write a romance set in America. It's an interesting thought. I feel more comfortable writing about a country I know really well.

Q: Anything else you’d like to say?

A: If I was stuck on a desert island and could only have 1000 books by my favorite authors or a huge pile of paper and pencils - what would I go for? The paper and pencils. Guess I'm a writer!

Barbara, thanks so much for taking time out from your very busy schedule to do this interview.

Barbara's next erotica release from LooseId will be FALLING FOR YOU with a tentative date of November 18th (the male MC in this story is Alek, the mysterious brother of Luka in CONSOLATION PRIZE). No release date yet set by Ellora's Cave for SOMETHING ABOUT POLLY (where Jake's scheming brother Adrian from PERFECT TIMING takes center stage and is delightfully redeemed).


  1. Damn, I cant imagine gobbling books like that, and remembering anything.
    But I do know I've read everything this author will pull out of her closet, and no way will I ever forget any of her yummy characters, intriging plots and most of all the many many laugh outloud moments.

  2. The Leopard Prince was the best historical I've read as well. Now if only someone had been abducted by aliens. Hmmmm.


  3. Oh I'm so glad I've found someone who liked the Leopard Prince too!! I'm going to look for her others now.
    Thanks for the interview Laurie and the plug for my books. Yesterday I shamelessly browbeat a used bookstore owner into taking my name and details in the hope she might look for me on EC or Loose ID. There is no greater pleasure than someone (apart from me!) enjoying what I write. Arlene - I'm sticking you in my closet to pull out at suitable moments!! Laurie, you're already in there.
    Now i just need to finish the vamp one I'm writing and get to the Sci fi romance starring Three and Lucy.

  4. Well, fortunately I tested the links after this posted, because the one for PERFECT TIMING wasn't working. It's now been *fixed*.

  5. I didn't think the Raven Prince was quite as good. I liked it, but I thought some of the motivations and actions of the characters were a little sketchy. I had a harder time suspending my disbelief. I did like the resolution of the dark moment. I thought that was neat. I also liked the tension between the h/h.

    I haven't read the Serpent Prince yet.


  6. I get sick when I try to read on the treadmill or exercise bike... darn. But do inhale books when I get the chance.

  7. What a fun interview! I, too, am amazed at your speed read superpower, Barbara. Best of luck with your books & many happy sales!

    Natalie, I hear ya. I'm not ambitious enough to use a treadmill or exercise bike or read while on a treadmill/exercise bike--but whenever I try to read in a moving car I get carsick.

    Ok, now somebody else has to top that.

  8. I tried to read on an eliptical, but I kept forgetting to "eliptic" every time I got to a good part.


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