
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Primed for Launch!

I've been chomping at the bit to share some exciting news for the last week or so, and I was given the go-ahead today. One of my co-hosts over on Take it to the Stars, Dawn Jackson, has just had a short story accepted for publication in an anthology. Fabulous news, but the even more exciting part is that now a lot of interest is being shown in her other work.

I can tell you from first hand experience that Dawn is a very talented and prolific writer (ticks off novels on fingers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...and I know I'm missing several) who uses her military background to write wonderful SciFiRoms, SciFiErotica, and SciFi/Fantasy and YA Sci Fi. I think I'm as excited as Dawn about the sale. Well, almost.

Dawn has been very active on a number of SciFiRom blogs, so many of you may be familiar with her user name.

Please join me in wishing Dawn a spectacular launch on her writing career. :)

Best wishes, Dawn. The Billins is on the house!


  1. Whoo Hoo!

    *Runs off to work on blasted outlines*

  2. I've just spilt my billins - can I have another?
    Well done, Dawn!
    I'm in mind of that cartoon where a guy opens an envelope to find he has a job. He rushes round telling everyone - his wife, friends, the dog then he slumps on the couch and says - now I have to DO the job.
    But you can do it, you're so talented and prolific. I wish you all the best.

  3. *slides another Billins down the bar to Flick*


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