
Monday, September 29, 2008

Recommended SFR Events?

I've started a sidebar for workshops and events that might benefit Science Fiction Romance writers and/or fans. So far, I have just three entries:

Romance Writers of America Annual Conference

Romantic Times Booklovers Convention (coming up in April 2009 in Orlando)

(and...a new find, courtesy of Sandra McDonald's site)
Viable Paradise Workshop for SFF writers

I'd love to hear from all of you. What are some of the best events you've attended, off line or online, to polish your writing skills or just enjoy the camaraderie of the publishing industry? Do you feel some of the big Science Fiction conventions are worthwhile? The ongoing online workshops for writers?

Share your thoughts, experiences and insights. Make your recommendations and we'll beef up our list. Feel free to discuss any of the events listed or mentioned.


  1. I can't recommend any since I've never attended one, but Agent Colleen Lindsay has raved about OWW.

  2. Ohhh, Online Writing Workshop. Will add to sidebar. Great suggestion, Heather!

  3. Im really looking forward to the Romantic Times Booklovers Convention, i am in love with these conventions i was just in one in Thailand. However, i read and speak Thai and it was a Thai convention very similar to the one coming up in April.

    Anyway, I really like Heather's suggestion. I have taken a few actually im half way through my fifth and i really enjoy these.

    I believe they enrich your writing and help you grow and develop as a writer/artist.

    Thanks for writing!

  4. I'm still hoping to make RT Booklovers in Orlando, Sabine, but I have some scheduling conflicts. It does sound like a lot of fun, and one of my close writing friends will be there.


Thank you for chiming in! We love to see your comments. (All comments are moderated so spam can be terminated!)