
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

In the Cold...but not the Dark

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." --Charles Dickens

Yup, that pretty much sums up 2008 for me.

On the worst of times side of the equation, my mother was hospitalized in January and passed away in early February. It was a very difficult time for me and my family. Our water well went out this spring, something we've been struggling with (and applying liberal amounts of paycheck to) ever since. That event was followed by a nearly two-day power failure (tosses most of her refrigerator and freezer contents into the trash) a belly-side up hot water heater, then refrigerator (experiences deja vu and tosses most of her refrigerator and freezer contents out again)...and the latest, right in the middle of a winter snow storm....the furnace dies! Brrrr! The repairman was here and has been off on a six hour quest to find parts. *bites nails* But I'm trying to look at the bright side. At least we have electricity-- *knocks on wood*--and I have time to type up a post. Hello!

On the bright side of 2008, I completed and started marketing my first SFR novel this spring, and have since been working on my next two. The current downturn in the industry has convinced me that this is a good time to focus on finishing them. Then when the industry is back on the upswing, I plan to blitz all three.

Two of my IPs (Barbara Elsborg and Dawn Jackson) had a remarkable year. Barbara has now had nine of her novels accepted, three e-published to date, and published a short story as well. Dawn just had two shorts published in December. Arlene and I are still plugging away, but the successes of our peers has been a real motivater.

So that's my 2008 in a nutshell. Or is it an Eight Ball? Hmmm... How was your year?


  1. My Year is like yours, but on the upswing 2009 is looking better all the time. I've got two WIPs, finishing editing another one, and I have another story in the offing, we'll see how it all turns out.
    As for the household stuff, yep had similar things happen to us and so have new fridge freezer (they all die in sympathy of each other). So I'm taking a deep breath and smiling for the New Year to bring book deals and lots of time to write these incredible stories in my head. *crosses fingers*

  2. Ah, yes, Natalie. It's always such a great feeling to get those stories out of your head and down on paper (or computer screen), isn't it?

    Here's to a truly productive and successful 2009! :)


  3. Yikes--sounds like an expensive year for the home!

    On the bright side of 2008, I completed and started marketing my first SFR novel this spring, and have since been working on my next two. The current downturn in the industry has convinced me that this is a good time to focus on finishing them. Then when the industry is back on the upswing, I plan to blitz all three.

    I couldn't agree more!

  4. Angela, we did have our share of trials and tribulations. Glad you agree with my strategy. Here's hoping 2009 is bright and eventful (but in a good way). :)


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