
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Is SFR on the Verge of an Event Horizon?

It seems the publishing industry is (finally) starting to see the merit in that quirky niche subgenre that we call Science Fiction Romance. The number of agents who represent, and the number of publishers who accept SFR seems to be growing...and growing much more enthusiastic. Lately, I've been getting word of SFR-specific submission calls. And at least one major industry publication--Romantic Times--has scheduled a feature on SFR in October.

Encouraging news.

Is the SFR Event Horizon almost upon us?

As a SFR writer, of course I'm enthused. But it's more than just that. I'm excited to read all the great stories that will be published as a result of this trend.

An ever more sophisticated romance-reading public--one that has known Han and Leia, Captain Mal and Inara, and a reboot of Spock and Uhura and who has grown up with the Space Shuttle Program and the International Space Station--is opening up to the universe of possibilities that SFR offers.

The sky is, indeed, not the limit!

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