
Monday, September 21, 2009

P2PC Wins SouthWest Writers Contest

Saturday, I had the honor of attending the awards banquet at the Albuquerque Marriott for SouthWest Writers national writing contest as one of the finalists in the Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror category. An even bigger honor followed when my novel, P2PC, was named the first place winner!

I was presented with a lovely color certificate that bore the theme of the awards ceremony "Enchanting Winners," a check, a copy of the awards program and a critiqued copy of my manuscript.

It was quite an experience.

SouthWest Writers did an amazing job on the awards banquet, including Master of Ceremonies John J. Candelaria who managed to use the name of every single finalist (in 16 categories!) in a poem that he read before the awards were announced. (I'm sure using "P2PC" in a poem was no easy task, but he managed to pull it off beautifully.)

I'd like to give a special thanks to SouthWest Writers (SWW) for all their efforts in sponsoring this national contest, to the contest coordinator, all the judges and members who worked so hard to make the contest such a success and the awards banquet a very special occasion.


  1. Congrats, Laurie, awesome news! It's so great you could be there to accept the award, too.

  2. Thanks so much, Keith, and congratulations on receiving the Parris Award for your many contributions to SWW.

    What's the title of your novel that's coming out this fall?

    ~~~ waves to Sharon. Thanks! The awards banquet was a lot of fun and I met some great people and fellow writers.

  3. *\0/* *\0/* *\0/* *\0/* *\0/*
    Whooo Hooo!
    Now can someone show me how to make this thing do back flips?

    Congrats again, Laurie. A well deserved win.

  4. Hmmm Dawn, backflips? I dunno.

    Handstands maybe: /o\

    Thanks again!

  5. Wow, backflips and handstands... Y'all are fancy (and athletic) over on this blog.

    Struck came out in July and Dark Knowledge is less than a month away now. Yay! October 19th.

    I'm going to have a redesigned website starting tomorrow in celebration.

    I get so excited over these things, but you'll have to take my word. No backflips or handstands from me. Ha.

    Congrats again, Laurie. If you're querying agents or editors, be sure to announce your first place win in an international writing contest (or in a contest sponsored by one of the largest writing organizations in the country, whichever you prefer) as judged by Judge Name and agency/publisher in your query letters. It helps get requests.

  6. Extra large KUDOS, Laurie! That is SO exciting! Let the champagne flow!!

  7. Thanks Keith. Well, at least our imaginations are active. :) Oh, STRUCK is yours. I turned to David when they mentioned it and said, "Good title!" Anasazi ruins and lightning strikes. Sounds intriguing. I'll probably see you at LERA next month. I see you're the speaker. Nice website.

    Donna, thanks for the congrats! *corkpop!*


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