
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

RT features Science Fiction Romance

The October issue of RT Book Reviews has a feature on Science Fiction Romance entitled Is Science Fiction Romance Ready to Blast Off? This is a very exciting event for us Skiffy Rommers.

You can find Romantic Times Book Reviews at most major bookstores, but for a sneak peek at the coverage, tune in to Heather Massey's
The Galaxy Express for more details on the RT coverage. (Pssst. I understand Heather may even have been a contributor.)

Viva la Skiffy Rommers and three cheers to RT Book Reviews for giving our first love so much fabulous attention.


  1. I haven't read it yet but am looking forward to it - really does sound like some awesome coverage. (And three cheers for Heather, who seems to be everywhere these days!)


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