
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Skiffy Rommer Found

I have to tell you a story.

While attending the RWA National Conference in Washington DC, fellow Skiffy Rommer, Sharon Lynn Fisher and I decided to take a break in one of the cushy lounge areas at the side of the vast and impressive (read that shock and awe) hotel lobby of the Marriott Wardman Park.

We took our seats and I happened to notice the tote bag of the person sitting nearby. Of course I'd notice! It was a gorgeous NASA image of a galaxy. This one, in fact:

So I said, "I love your tote bag. Are you here for RWA?"

When she replied yes, I said, "Do you happen to write Science Fiction Romance?"

Yes, she did.

I said, "Oh! We're Skiffy Rommers, too." At which point I got a quizzical look, and so explained about our motley band of merry SFR writers who hang out at The Galaxy Express. We exchanged business cards, started chatting, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Skiffy Rommer found.

Our fellow space cadet is Donna S. Frelick, and tonight she'll be guest blogging on Spacefreighters Lounge with an entertaining take on how she got involved in the wonderful galaxy of SciFiRom. Be sure to stop back to read about her adventures and give her a hardy welcome to the ranks of the brigade.


  1. That is so cool! Thanks for mentioning my blog, Laurie. Much appreciated! I'm so glad you were able to attend the conference.

  2. Happy to, Heather. I give a plug to SFR Central (i.e. The Galaxy Express) at every opportunity. :)


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