
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Coming Soon: A Special Holiday SFR Event

Big news!  There's a major event coming and you're invited to join in the fun and freebies!

Beginning the morning of December 6th, a dozen science fiction romance blogs will join forces with seventeen authors to kick off the SFR Holiday Blitz where 30 SFR books! will be given away to random blog visitors.  The contest will end at midnight on Friday, December 11, 2009 when the winners will be chosen.

There will be plenty of promotion ahead of the event, including a Crazy Tuesday podcast done by contributing author Rowena Cherry with Heather Massey of The Galaxy Express, the person responsible for all the hard work, organizing and managing of the event [a big hats off to Heather!], and several other Skiffy Rommers.  You can read more about the SFR Holiday Blitz on "The Biggest Bang: SFR" an Amazon list Rowena Cherry created for the event showing most of the books being offered.

Spacefreighters Lounge will be participating and we'll be posting our announcement and the free e-book on December 6th. 

We may even have an added bonus, courtesy of this blog. 

So mark your calendar now and stop back the morning of December 6th for the start of our SFR holiday event extraordinaire!  We'll have links to all the participating blogs so you can make the hyperjump with just the touch of a key.

Stand by for lift off!


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