
Monday, March 22, 2010

March Madness!!!!

No, we don't mean the kind of March Madness that involves sports events and playoffs.  This is the Skiffy Rommers' own brand of March Madness--and with it comes our own major case of jitters and expectation.  Yes, it's almost the end of March and for many of us who write, that means it's time for the announcements of the *sigh* Golden Heart finalists!  It's a huge day for aspiring authors of romance everywhere.

We'll be watching closely for any possible SFR titles making the cut with the hopes of doing an interview(s) with the writer(s).  (This is what we did last year and look where it led--to a 2009 Golden Heart Paranormal category finalist turned co-blogger--Sharon Lynn Fisher!)

But while we nervously await the big, big news, we wanted to let you know what other blogs are throwing events and "GH watch parties" leading up to zero hour.

Paranormalists   A sparkling new Paranormal Romance community is kicking off their site this week and asking finalists in the Paranormal Romance category to chime in and let them know they can be showered with congratulations and praise. (Yes, we're all members.)

SFR Brigade  A sister-community to Paranormalists will be joining Spacefreighters Lounge in eagerly watching for those Science Fiction Romance finalists.  (We're  members of that one too, of course!)

The Ruby Slippered Sisterhood   A site formed by the 2009 GH Finalists (including Sharon Lynn Fisher) will also be sponsoring a big GH Announcement event.  Be sure to check them out.  You might want to read All Aboard the Runaway Train by Tamara Hogan to understand what a final in the Golden Heart is all about.

Judi Fennel  Ms. Fennel sponsors a bright and shiny Third Annual Squee! Party for the Oscars of the Romance World! announcement party on her Word Press site. 

Let us know of any others and we'll be glad to add the link to our list.

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