
Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday Blog Tour

We're very short on blog tour links today, because we have a big announcement to follow, but here's one you can check out:

D. L. Jackson is giving away a free copy of her first e-novel SLIPPING THE PAST for the price of a comment.  Here's all you need to do.  Go to her Backward Momentum blog and read the post, then hop over the Take it to the Stars blog and post your comment.  That's it!  How easy is that?  One lucky visitor will win a free copy.

And by the way, this is in celebration of her second novel, LAST FLIGHT OF THE ARK (a SFR) coming out on March 8th from Liquid Silver Books!

You've heard of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writers' Month)?  Well, meet NaNoEdMo--National Novel Editing Month.  Got a novel to edit?  Join the gang for a fast and furious scrub of your latest project.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting everyone know, Laurie. Stop by, leave a comment, get entered to win.
    Slipping the Past is about a love affair that spans thousands of years. It starts in Rome and ends in the future. I stretched my imagination on the world-building and I'll promise it's got some surprising twists.
    Take a chance, win an e-copy and read about two fated lovers with one last chance to get it right.


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