
Friday, May 14, 2010

The Last Flight of Atlantis

It's an historic--but sad--day for our space program. 

Shuttle Atlantis will make its final launch this afternoon, if the weather cooperates, at the start of its last mission.  The Shuttle Program itself will end this fall.

We, as a nation, lost the ability to get a manned craft to the Moon decades ago.  Now we will be losing our shuttle fleet with no replacement expected for years. The end of an era is fast approaching and its a sobering thought for those who write SF and SFR, or those who look to the future with hopes and dreams of exploring new horizons in space.



  1. I have so loved watched the launches when I was in Florida! Even from 60 miles away - it was awesome.

  2. Laurie, I'm with you on this. I've followed this all along and I feel the sadness. It's juat too bad. True, for those of us who love and write SF and SFR it is even worse.

  3. Well, I cried!

    Now I have to confess that I've nominated this blog for a viral award that came to me.

    To pick up the award logo and carry it on, go here:

    It's all in fun!

    Jacqueline Lichtenberg


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