
Monday, March 14, 2011

Our First Drawing!

Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate our 25,000th Hit here on Spacefreighters Lounge.  It's time to start the drawings.

In order to be fair to all followers--old, new, friends, acquaintances and those we don't know well--we used Research Randomizer to chose our winners.  Each follower was assigned a number and the program was asked to select a group of numbers between 1 and 47.

Our first winner is #16.  Misa!

Misa, we'll attempt to contact you through your link, but if you see this message, you can post a comment below. 


  1. We're still trying to reach Misa.
    Hopefully she'll see her message or tweet soon.

    Once she's made her choice, I think we'll post the next four names all at once to move the drawings along, so keep an eye on the blog and be ready to respond. :)

  2. In 12 more hours, I'll post the remaining four names that have been drawn. Keep watching, it could be you! :)

  3. Sorry to hold you up guys - I'm on GMT and also was out this morning.

    I'd quite like the Steampunk ray gun, but am aware that shipping to the UK might be prohibative so Amazon gift vouchure it is.

  4. Hi, Misa, and congrats on being prize winner #1!

    OK, Amazon gift card it is. Just send me your email address to Lgreen2162(at) aol (dot) com in the usual format and I'll get to work on that.

    For everyone else, more names will be announced later tonight!


Thank you for chiming in! We love to see your comments. (All comments are moderated so spam can be terminated!)