
Friday, March 18, 2011

Sharon's Journal

Actions I've taken as a writer. Where am I? What am I doing?

In the wake of the big news last week (whew!), I'm settling in on revisions for GHOST PLANET. I have a two-page editorial letter I'm working from, but also I am rereading the novel for the first time in over a year, so I know I will find additional stuff I want to change. I feel excited and nervous - like you might feel after being apart from a boyfriend for a year and going out on a reunion date. Will we still feel that spark of attraction? Do we still have stuff in common? Will he still laugh at my jokes? I'll let you know next week!
Alexi Murdoch in Seattle

My mental/emotional prep for all this began last week. Just a couple days before my news was announced, I went to see a live performance by one of the musicians who inspires me. Alexi Murdoch's song Shine is on my playlist for GHOST PLANET, and in fact I think something of his has been on all of my writing playlists. He has a way of singing about despair and sadness that makes you feel hopeful. (Yes, I do realize that makes no sense.)

New authors, cool web sites, great resources, great workshops!

There's been a bit of chat in my cohorts' journal entries about the 2011 Golden Heart, so I'm jumping on the bandwagon. The big day is NEXT WEEK! My 2009 GH finalist class, The Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood, is holding an announcement day blog party. It was loads of fun last year, with live announcement of finalists and lots of nail-biting and celebration. I know of at least three sci-fi romance entries in the paranormal category this year - all of which have won other RWA contests - so it promises to be exciting!

Ping Pong
We'll comment back to our co-bloggers on things they've posted on their journals.

Laurie, have so enjoyed reading all the research you've been churning out on self publishing. I know you're facing a tough decision, but the reason for that is a positive one, eh? The fact that more and more authors are making it pay. Can't wait to hear what you decide!

Donna, really connected with your post on info dumps. Seems like I've faced that dilemma in every story I've written. I often research a particular point, stick in all the gory details, then find myself yanking out 3/4 of it in revisions.

And to both of my co-bloggers and all of our followers - thanks so much for celebrating with me over the last week. The support and enthusiasm have been just amazing.

All right, it's late. Signing off until next week...


  1. Oh, wow! Already working on your very first revision letter. How exciting! I'm sure you and GHOST PLANET will have a great date. :) There will probably be that initial awkwardness, and then you'll begin to rediscover all the amazing qualities of this novel. If your experience is anything like mine in going back to an old WIP, you may even find a few surprises of the "Wow, did I really write that?" variety.

    Glad you were able to go to the Alexi Murdoch concert. Bet your muse loves you.

    Oh, party at the Ruby Slippers! I plan to be there to share the excitement and nail biting.

  2. I really really don't like reading my stories again after any length of time. They never sound quite as I remembered though- I have had the odd - My God, did I write that?? moment - when I've been impressed with some phrase or other. My memory is terrible!

  3. I'd think it would be kinda exciting to get back to GP after a year and see what new insight you could bring to it. But then I actually like the revision process better than than the drafting process. Just seems easier once you've got something there to whip it into shape!

    And it's been our pleasure to share this excitement with you!!


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