
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

Welcome back!  If you're here for the first time, be sure to check out all the other Six Sentence Sunday excerpts from a variety of very talented authors.

This week's segment needs a set up.

This a continuation of the trans-level lift scene between Mitch and Tija (with a capital Trouble).  Tija doesn't want what happened in Houston to stay in Houston. When Mitch doesn't respond as she hopes, she presses the issue, and the lift doors open to leave Mitch looking like the sexual aggressor to a very disapproving commanding officer.

“A word in private, Lieutenant,” the captain growled.

Mitch walked off the unit without looking at Tija. He was starting to think of her as his own personal Calamity Jane. Every time she was near him, questionable things happened. Sexual things happened. Usually through no fault of his own--usually.


If you'd like to read the expanded scene, CLICK HERE.

To read all the Six Sentence Sunday back posts, CLICK HERE.


  1. A great six! Love how the last word fits into it. Can't wait to read more.

    Missed you last week.

  2. Usually - ha ha - one word to say it all.

  3. Calamity Jane is right! Enjoying these snippets!

  4. lol loved the whole snippet. Great job!

  5. Calamity Jane, snicker. Poor Mitch!
    Very strong line with the repeat of usually, tieing the rest together wonderfully.

  6. I really enjoyed this week's sentences. I can see this relationship and the developing consequences to come! Love how he's caught...

  7. Love your six! Sounds like a great read.


  8. Well it's good he's taking SOME responsibility for the sexual things. :)

    Great six!


  9. Poor guy! I can feel his frustration. Great snippet!

  10. Ooo, 'sexual things'! I love it!

  11. His own personal Calamity Jane - love it! Sounds like he has a subliminal wish for trouble, lol.

  12. Thank you everyone for all your great, supportive, fun to read comments!

    I'm really getting a late start this morning to off to get caught up on all your SSS posts first, then start on the rest of the list. *whew*

  13.'s not morning any more, is it? :/

  14. *has trouble to stop giggling*

    Ok ok, I think I'm good now. No I'm not, but I'll type anyway.

    "through no fault of is own usually" that is awesome. It also makes me want to see the whole set up for the six you gave us.

  15. LOL! Love the sexual things that aren't usually his fault!

  16. That's a hell of a lot of tension in those 6

  17. Thanks for your comments, everyone.
    So glad you're enjoying my six. Love it when readers can chuckle amid the tension. :)

  18. Heh his own personal Calamity Jane :) Love it.

  19. Loved the flow between question things and sexual things. Great.

  20. That last line made me laugh! :D


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