
Monday, March 7, 2011

We Are SO There!

That's right.  Oh yeah.  We have a major blog milestone:

Twenty-five THOUSAND hits! 

Let the fireworks and the flashbangs commence.

We really owe this landmark moment to our readers, so we want to say thank you during our celebration.  How?  We have swag!

We're going to select multiple winners from among our Followers list at right >>>>>>>>> in a PICK YOUR PRIZE giveaway.  We'll select a series of names in succession and each person will be able to select their prize in the order their user name is drawn. 

Here's how it works:  If you're not already a follower of this blog, then click the "Follow" button to be added to the list in order to be eligible for our drawing.  The more followers we have, the more prizes we'll add and award.  We'll draw the first user name this coming Sunday, March 13th and continue drawing a new name each day.  All the swag winners will be given a choice of items to select from. (We must have a way to contact you within 48 hours, so if your user name isn't linked to contact info, be sure to check back or leave your email address in comments.)

We've already loaded our cargo hold with potential prizes (more may be be added during the week) including:

 A DVD set of the SF(R) television series
Defying Gravity
that I discussed in my I'm the Bucketeer! post.

STRANGERS by Barbara Elsborg
The new paperback release I raved about
in my journal entry on Monday

The Unchained Memory Galaxy T-Shirt
I wear mine everywhere and
it's a real conversation piece.

A Spacefreighters Lounge mug
Our brand new blog mug design
with a cool graphic and
"Where the imagination goes..." on the reverse

Hugo Award nominated SF novel SPIN
by Robert Charles Wilson

A bronze-and-pewter-tone
Steampunk ray gun
Okay, it's really a squirt gun, but it's a
nifty steampunk prop all the same.

An officer's flight patch
from the Nostromo starship
as seen in the movie ALIEN

NY Times bestseller Sherrilyn Kenyon's

NY Times bestseller Sherrilyn Kenyon's

A Firefly T-shirt in small adult
or large youth size
Black with the same logo as our
Firefly shrine on the sidebar at right.

A Starfleet Command Star Trek dog tag

(Want to see pics and more info?  Visit our Swag Page.)
Watch for further posts this coming week.

Please note: Due to the high cost of shipping,
foreign swag winners may be offered
an Amazon gift certificate in lieu of the prizes.

Thanks to all our commenters, readers and visitors
who have made Spacefreighters Lounge
a Science Fiction Romance destination.



  1. Congrats on the 25,000 hits, and thanks for the giveaway! But thanks most of all for the website and posts.

    Please enter me in the giveaway. I'm looking forward to reading more posts. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks for your congrats and comments, Mary Anne. Glad to have you visit our blog. :)

  3. Wow. I was looking around on Face book and found this site which I promptly saved to come back to. Thanks for sharing this.

  4. Hi William and Anna! We're glad you found us, too. :) Hope you'll visit often.

  5. Congrats to the founder! This is awesome, Laurie. :)

  6. Welcome to our new visitors and a hoist of our new mug to our founder and fearless leader, Laurie! Here's to many more!

  7. Huge congratulations on the number of hits - I should reach that in 2029 - if my reckoning serves me right!! Always an informative blog, may your numbers keep rising!!!

  8. Thanks everyone, for your comments. Yes, it's quite a landmark.

    For those who want to participate in the Pick Your Prizes giveaway, please remember to "follow" the blog.

  9. Wow, 25,000! Good job.

    (I am already a follower).

  10. Congrats on reaching 25,000 hits! I think I'm subscribed to this blog twice now, but that's okay. :)

    I'd love to win the Star Trek dog tag to add to my collection.

  11. Big congrats on 25,000 hits! May there be many more!

  12. Congrats! Sounds like there are some great prizes up for grabs, glad I am a follower :)

  13. Wicked celebration!! Congrats and cheers for more HITS to come!!=)

    I have my email in my profile!=)

  14. Mega-congrats!!!! What a great milestone!!! I thought I was following, but did it again, just in case!!!

  15. Thank you, everyone, for joining our celebration. We so appreciate our readers!

    Even more prize choices may be added today. :)


    Check out the 25,000 HIT SWAG LIST (see link above or on sidebar at right).

  17. And there's more...

    Comment on today's interview with Heather Massey for a chance to win a free copy of her new SFR novel, ONCE UPON A TIME IN SPACE!

  18. Congrats! It's wonderful that you're so popular! Yay!

  19. Hi, I don't know if my contact info is linked, so here's my email address.

    doxisrcool at

  20. Thanks, Anna! Good to see you here. :)

  21. Congrats girls!! I must have missed this post last week? Yet I know about the 25k!! Awesome!!

  22. Awesome job!

    The swag looks like a lot of fun, I'm not sure I could pick just one thing. :o)


Thank you for chiming in! We love to see your comments. (All comments are moderated so spam can be terminated!)