
Monday, April 25, 2011

Laurie's Journal

It’s been another very busy and extremely productive week, and I’ve got some great things to share for my Mission: Success Journal today.  And psst!  I’m also going to be asking your opinion on a BIG decision.

So, on with the journal…

Actions I've taken as a writer. Where am I? What am I doing?

At about 11:30 last night I achieved a major milestone! I completed the revisions for The Outer Planets! This is such a huge—and timely—accomplishment. I decided to tear TOP apart after entering it the Golden Heart last November, and after a winter where my muse decided to take an extended vacation on St. Martin, I got very little done. When it finaled in March, I had a “suck in my breath” moment. The earlier draft is lacking and the revisions were far from being soup. If a request comes in for a full from any of the final GH judges, I’ll only have 48 hours to send a revision, so this was a major “must do” task. I’m so enthused I was able to buckle down and get ‘er done!

So there’s my achievement of the week (month…year….decade!) and the proud and “whewable” entry into my journal:

The market draft of The Outer Planets completed on Easter Sunday, April 25, 2011.

For the first time ever I have two—count ‘em, TWO!—manuscripts at the marketing stage (and it certainly doesn’t hurt that both are Golden Heart finalists).

So what am I gonna do now? No, not go to Disney World. Did that last year for the RWA conference. :) I’m going to start work on my third project. Yes, another SFR, but another very different story. My goal? A third entry for the Golden Heart this year (provided I’m still eligible).

New authors, cool web sites, great resources, great workshops, great online sites!

The Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood, also known as the 2009 RWA Golden Heart Finalists (Sharon is a member) were kind enough to do an Introduction to the 2011 Golden Heart Finalists. Due to my heavy work load on my day job, I wasn’t able to respond in time to be included (Sharon was, however), but I hopped online bright and early to be the first to comment.

It was fun to share our squeeeeee! moment with the Rubies. They’ve been so supportive and their blog is a gold mine of information for writers. Consider adding it to your list of FVBs (Frequently Visited Blogs).

The latest buzz. Submission calls. New publishers. Industry changes. Inspirational sayings or quotes for writers. And our take on them.

Let’s declare April 29, 2011 “The Power of Love” Day!

Why? Because major events this coming Friday could possibly be pivotal days for two historic romances.

The Royal Romance
The marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton as the culmination of a romance that has captivated the world. Reminiscent of the opulent wedding of Prince William’s parents—Prince Charles and Lady Diana—every detail is being attended to. The dress, the carriages, the uniforms, the mounted procession, the oh-so-proper pomp and ceremony. The world will be abuzz with the pageantry and fairytale qualities of the event.

The Romance Flight
The second-to-the-last launch of the Space Shuttle and the final flight of Endeavor, mission STS-134, will be lead by Commander Mark Kelly, supportive husband of the injured Arizona congresswoman, Gabrielle Gifford, who suffered a serious head injury during a shooting in January, in what is probably one of the great real-life romance stories of the decade. Representative Gifford has been cleared by her doctors to travel to Florida to watch this historic launch.

Our best wishes to these inspiring couples for a stellar, crowning day.

Events, conferences, cons as well as Facebook, Twitter and blog events.

One of the big topics of discussion between Golden Heart finalists? The dresses, of course! I’ve been shopping, and I’ve narrowed it down to three choices. So far, in gathering votes from friends, family and coworkers, my selections are running a dead heat. Oh no!

Help me decide by entering your choice in the poll below.

Ping Pong
We'll comment back to our co-bloggers on things they've posted on their journals.

@Donna Loved your article on the benefits of judging as an educational tool for writers. You nailed it.

@Sharon Glad you’re back from your trip, though I’m sure life is still frantic for you. Hope things settle down soon.


View the dresses below, pick your favorite and cast your vote in the comments.
Thank you!

Dress #1 - Black with satin bodice, one shoulder strap with jewel detail and Grecian style chiffon draping

Dress #2 (above) - Jeweled neckline with twist treatment and empire waist.  (Also available in black.)

Dress #3 (above) - Black chiffon with one jeweled shoulder strap, waist detail and one chiffon short sleeve.



  1. I think you have the dresses in my order of preference, although number 2 makes me think of something from Star Trek. ;-) I'm sure you'll look great in whatever you choose!

  2. I think I like number three the best.

  3. I love the first one, but because it's black I might be inclined to go with number 2. Great color!

  4. Great post Laurie! Big congrats on finishing your revisions--that has to feel great.

    I think all 3 dresses are stunning! (Not much help, I know!) If you can, I'd try all 3 on and see which one makes you smile the most--that's the keeper. :)

  5. @GwenHernandez LOL, Gwen! Hey, that fits! I hadn't looked at it that way. Thanks for your vote.

    @Aislinn Got your vote. Thanks! :)

    @Writer Thanks! It's funny, but I always tend to gravitate to black.

  6. @Anne Barton Thanks for that. It feels SO good to get them done. Good advice on the dresses...but unfortunately, they're mail order and not returnable, so may not be doable.

  7. I like #2! That's the color I'm looking for (tho not the same dress. ;))

    They are all gorgeous!

  8. @Ami Thanks! I'm partial to teal too, living in the Southwest. :)

  9. Love them all -- but #1 is so very elegant.

  10. 1 & 3 are my choices (especially if we're doing diamonds and tiaras!) The first is very understated and elegant, but I'd go for three. Two reasons: 1) Takes chutzpah to pull it off 2) you certainly won't see yourself coming and going. It's the one I'd get! ;-)

  11. @Nan Dixon Thanks, Nan. I love the Grecian drape in the back (which you can't see) too.

    @Lindsay Brookes Thanks for your votes, Lindsay. Gosh, this is a tough choice.

  12. @Gwynlyn Thanks! So a vote for #3 it is. Not sure if I have the chutzpah factor, though. LOL

  13. Ooh very nice! 3 is my fave, followed by 1.

    LOL about Gwen's comment about no. 2 - that was my thought too!

  14. @Anna Sugden Thanks for your vote, Anna. I've nicknamed #2 my Star Trek dress, now. :)

  15. I love them all, but #3 struck me as the most stunning. Plus, it has a little attitude. :-)

  16. They are all gorgeous and any one would spectacular.

    For me it would come down to black or not black? If black, then the question is this. There seems to be something (a bow, a ornament?) at the breast on #3. How big is that in the real world. Is it big enough to bother you? If not, then I like 3. It's both elegant and original.

  17. I like Number 3-something about that one-arm deal has attitude! And congrats on finishing TOP, though if you're anything like me nothing is finished until it's cast in concrete (or set in type, bound in leather and has sold 100,000 copies!) From my lips to God's ear!

  18. They're all lovely but I like #2 best.

  19. I think #3 is starting to edge into the lead. :) Thanks, everyone, for your votes.

    @Clarissa I don't think that little detail stands out. It looks like it may be embroidered into the dress. I guess I won't know for sure until I see the dress. The surprises--good and bad--of mail order.

    Thanks, Donna. Yea, "done" means it may still get a tweak or two (or six) but I'm confident it's ready to go.

  20. Hi Laurie--

    Sorry I'm behind the power curve. Working too much. I love 2 because I think it would stand out. I think the color would be gorgeous on you. Love the look of 3, though. Can't wait to see what you choose.

  21. All three are beautiful. I think you just have to go with the one that makes you feel the most confident.

  22. #3 for me! Big congrats on finishing the edits! That is huge milestone!


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