
Monday, May 16, 2011

Laurie's Journal

First of all, I apologize from the bottom of my heart for missing my journal post last week. The Golden Heart Crazy Train continues! (i.e. the Timewolf ate my blog post!) 

I have many things to relate this week, so…

All aboaaaaaaaaaaaard!

Actions I've taken as a writer. Where am I? What am I doing?

Not sure what to lead with this week. The contest win? The agent request? Oh, did I just steal my own thunder? :O  OK, let’s handle this in alphabetical order.

Agent Request
Just as I was about to lose hope, the Golden Heart Magical Stardust kicked in and I received an agent request for P2PC! This is my dream agency—always has been—so it’s my very first and only query to date after finaling in the Golden Heart, but there were “extenuating circumstances” that gave me doubts P2PC would have a wing or a prayer at getting a request.

But then the sky opened up and the sunshine streamed down.

Request for partial!

I am hopefully optimistic (oh heck, truth be told I’m beyond ecstatic) just to be given this opportunity. Just goes to show, once again, that tenacity does pay off in this business.

Contest Win
Not to be left out of the glory, The Outer Planets scored a first place win in the paranormal category of The Write Stuff (Connecticut RWA). This is a very special win for me for two reasons. First of all, what SFR writers doesn’t want to win The Write Stuff? :D  Secondly, because The Write Stuff marks my last contest for this pair of manuscripts.

Yes, P2PC and The Outer Planets are officially being retired from the contest circuit, my two trusty war horses have campaigned long and hard to earn their various medals and titles, but I have another manuscript that will soon be hitting the contest trail and will require my undivided attention on that front while these two champs move on to [crosses fingers and toes and eyes] *hopefully* bigger and better things.

My Dress
...for the Golden Heart Awards Ceremony has arrived!

Thanks to everyone who voted on an earlier journal to help me make a selection.  The winner was Dress #1, the black satin and chiffon dress with the Grecian drape in the back.  It arrived via UPS Friday and it's beeee-autiful!  And flattering...did I mention flattering?

I also ordered some shiny silver strappy heels with a bit of shinier blink-blink on the straps (which turned out to be a LOT of shinier blink-blink) and some lovely sparkly crystal earrings and necklace.

New authors, cool web sites, great resources, great workshops, great online sites!

Sharon was recently contacted by Svend, a student at the Royal School of Library and Information Science in Denmark, who was working on an assignment about online communities. He stumbled on The Galaxy Express and SFR Brigade in doing his research, and decided to base his project on the Science Fiction Romance. Sharon agreed to serve as a conduit in getting his questions out to other readers and writers of SFR and returning their responses, including getting the word out on Goodreads.

I'm so enthused that our niche community garnered this sort of attention, and from overseas, no less. This tells me our diabolical plot [to conquer the universe by banding together to create a larger voice for SFR] is indeed effective.

The latest buzz. Submission calls. New publishers. Industry changes. Inspirational sayings or quotes for writers. And our take on them.

Sharon and I had the unique honor of doing a joint interview for conducted by the amazing Heather Massey, and we were impressed at all the readers, peers and total strangers who stopped by to comment. If you missed it, the interview is still available here and we’d love to hear from you:

It's an Honor Just to be Nominated: Three SFR Manuscripts Final in the 2011 Golden Heart

In my last journal, I commented about my disappointment the final launch of Endeavor had been postponed, but in a way, I thought it was a good thing because Endeavor should have a spotlight all its own for its last launch. And what a wonderful, flawless launch it looked to be.

I am deeply saddened this is the penultimate launch, and the Space Shuttle program will soon be nothing but a shining glimmer in our past, but it was good to see the event get the attention it so deserved. It certainly has a romantic and inspiring story surrounding the commander, Mark Kelly, husband of injured congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford.

Godspeed, Endeavor, for a historic journey in fair skies and solar winds.

Books we're reading and mini-reviews. Writers must read voraciously. Sometimes we find gems in the literary universe or sometimes certain elements of a book really speak to us (and our muses). Do we know about book giveaways? A big debut? We'll dish on those.

Well, I finally did it. I bought a Kindle! While it’s en route, here’s your chance to pitch your e-novel to me in the comments below. It doesn’t necessarily have to be SFR (though that’s a plus). I read everything from historical to contemporary erotica. It can be e-pubbed or self-pubbed, long or short, YA or adult only.

Post an irresistible blurb in the comments and I guarantee you a sale.

Holds up sign:

Hungry buyer here looking for some excellent e-reads.

Now, how can you pass that up? :)

Events, conferences, cons as well as Facebook, Twitter and blog events.

The Brenda Novak Online Auction for Diabetes Research has kicked off, and it’s a must see event! I’m currently the high bidder on an Honorary Ruby Slippered Sisterhood Membership and Mentorship, and I’m so excited about that…and a little surprised not to have more competition.

Come on, readers, I invite you to challenge me for this unique privilege!

This is a huge opportunity to join one of the most dynamic groups of Golden Heart Finalists ever, with access to their shared wealth of knowledge and advice, and it’s all for a very good cause.

Don’t miss your chance at this and so many other wonderful offerings you can browse here:

Ping Pong
We'll comment back to our co-bloggers on things they've posted on their journals.

@Donna Loved your anniversary post—35 years together is such a huge reason to celebrate. Hey, we’re right behind you. Only 9.5 years to go!

@Sharon  It was a lot of fun participating in our joint interview at We need to do something like this again sometime!


  1. Yea! Laurie!! I am so happy for you. You are so on my future TBR list!

  2. Yeah Laurie. No matter how many times I see it, I'm still impressed! 2 GH finals! Wahoo! And the Tor interview was basted in awesome sauce.

    Okay, shameless promo to ensue. No SFR out yet but I think you'll enjoy my zany mystery.

    "Being a Navy wife and mother of two hasn't prepared Maggie Phillips for the challenges of running her own business. Or the bodies piling up around her."

    The Misadventures of the Laundry Hag: Skeletons in the Closet
    Jennifer L Hart

  3. Congrats on the request for partial!

    Great post, Laurie.

  4. Fingers crossed on the request, Laurie. This week I actually had an agent come looking for me (because of the Golden Heart final) and request a full through my blog. And I'm retiring my two much-campaigned mss (the other has been with an editor for a while) and trying to get back to my WIP.
    You will love your Kindle--I bought mine in March. Immediately thought of Arthur C. Clarke's famous law: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

  5. @Jenna *perk* Navy wife? OK...sold! Yours will be my very first download direct to my Kindle. So in other words...the guinea pig. :) Thanks for letting me know about it. :)

    @Anna Thanks so much, Anna. Your support means a lot. You know I'm working hard trying to get these published.

    @Kay Thank you, and that's amazing about the agent tracking YOU down. Never had that sort of request, except through contests. I'm really enjoying my Kindle so far. Of course, "so far" has been about 12 hours. And I love that quote about magic. So true. Thanks for stopping by and it's been great getting to know you as one of my fellow finalists this year.


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