
Friday, June 29, 2012

Donna’s Journal

Small World Department

When I mentioned here that I had traveled down to Richmond for a meeting of the Virginia Romance Writers recently, the tidbit caught the eye of fellow blogger and Friend-of-SFR Heather Massey of The Galaxy Express. Though we’ve been online friends and followers of each other’s blogs for some time, Heather and I had never met. Turns out she lives in a Richmond suburb—no more than an hour away from where I live in Fredericksburg!

She invited me to her home for an extended visit this past week, where we enjoyed an actual face-to-face chat about favorite books and TV shows and movies—all those things that SFR geek girls like to talk about at length. Heather, who has published two SFR novels of her own through the digital press, graciously offered some insights for me in the publishing arena, too.

Best of all was when the discussion expanded to encompass the future of SFR and how to build our fan base for authors of every description. We may continue that dialogue in a collaborative post sometime soon over on TGE, and invite you all to join us.

Firebird Update

As Laurie announced in her post this week, the 2012 Golden Heart® class is now the Firebirds (see our pin, at left, designed by Firebird Eileen Emerson, with artwork from her daughter).

As one of the class, I’m all good to go for the RWA National Conference at the end of July—signed up for The Golden Network Retreat, RSVP’d for the appropriate receptions, got the dress (and the shoes!) for the awards ceremony, got tickets for guests, got airline tickets, shuttle reservations, hotel reservations, got signed up to pitch an agent and an editor about my books (and as usual volunteered for the literacy signing event—wouldn’t miss that). I think I’m set. Now just to remember to keep my head screwed on.

Of course that means I will be missing a few Fridays here at Spacefreighters. I’ll be going dark from July 13 through July 27. Y’all enjoy my blog partners, pick up a new book or two to read and I’ll be back here August 3.

Cheers, Donna


  1. Good luck, Donna!! Your turn this time??

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. All this time I've been talking to Heather, I thought she lived in California. LOL So great you two got together to chat about SFR and the future thereof.

    And yes, all the little boxes on my RWA To Do list are ticked too, except for the shuttle reservations. Dress back from the tailor, shoes good to go, RSVPs in (still waiting on the After Party, but told it's coming). Now to plan out my schedule and workshops. Whew!


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