
Friday, August 31, 2012


Today a private memorial service was held in Cincinnati, Ohio for former astronaut Neil Armstrong, a member of NASA’s pioneering Apollo crew and the first man to walk on the moon. Armstrong died Saturday, August 25, at the age of 81, from complications of heart surgery.

Armstrong’s death came as a shock to those of us with emotional and intellectual ties to the space program and the dream of travel to the stars that his achievements represented. He had always seemed larger than life, though his friends and family assured us he was a quiet and unassuming person.

Today, the family issued this statement regarding ways to honor the man they've called a "reluctant American hero":

To everyone who has so graciously remembered Neil Armstrong:

The outpouring of condolences and kind wishes from around the world overwhelms us and we appreciate it more than words can express. Many have asked if a memorial has been designated. If anyone wishes to
make a memorial in his name, we suggest, in lieu of flowers, memorials be sent to one of these worthy organizations:

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Neil Armstrong New Frontiers Initiative
PO Box 5202
Cincinnati, OH 45201-5202

Telluride Foundation
Neil Armstrong Scholarship Fund
620 E. Colorado, Suite 106
PO Box 4222
Telluride, CO 81435

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Neil Armstrong Scholarship Fund
AIAA Foundation
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Suite 500
Reston, VA 20191

The family made one additional suggestion of a simple way to remember the first man who walked on the moon. "Honor his example of service, accomplishment and modesty, and the next time you walk outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil Armstrong and give him a wink."

Tonight will be the perfect night to do just that, with the blue moon shining above wherever you are. This blue moon, a second full moon in the same month, is the first since December, 2009. There won’t be another until July, 2015. So take a and reflect—on one man’s accomplishments on July 20, 1969. On humankind’s possibilities in the future if we would only be brave enough to follow him.

Donna’s Journal

While the dog days of August have New York's agents and editors in thrall, I’ve been working on revamping my website. I’ve moved my martial arts information to a separate website ( and added a new page just for excerpts from my work. Check out my new look at

Cheers, Donna


  1. It seems appropriate that we have a blue moon at this time after we lost one of our great heroes. I'll make sure to give the moon a wink tonight. As a lover of the space program, I always thought Neil Armstrong was an amazing man.

  2. Nice tribute and a cool new site. :)

  3. Thanks, L.G., for stopping by and thanks, y'all for taking a look at my new site. Glad you liked it!

  4. Thanks, L.G., for stopping by and thanks, y'all for taking a look at my new site. Glad you liked it!

  5. Looks great, Donna. I'm working on a new web site myself, so I wanted to get some ideas from how you set yours up.


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