
Monday, September 17, 2012

Review Roundup: RT gives Ghost Planet 4.5 stars!

The first reviews are coming in for GHOST PLANET (Tor, October 30), and this weekend was full of excitement!

RT Book Reviews
by Sharon Lynn Fisher
Genre: Science Fiction, General Science Fiction
RT Rating - 4.5 stars

It takes guts to kill your heroine before page one, and Fisher has that in spades. Paying special homage to Stanislaw Lem’s Solaris (in particular, the moving Steven Soderbergh/George Clooney film adaptation) and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, Fisher’s sci-fi romance debut thoroughly impresses. In Elizabeth’s struggle to reconcile the mystery of her existence as a ghost, Fisher offers a pitch-perfect balance of a cohesive scientific vision with poignant, naked emotion.

And also, Publishers Weekly calls GHOST PLANET:

" absorbing and exciting story full of science, sex, and intriguing plot twists"

And if that wasn't enough awesome for one weekend, a Goodreads reviewer who gave the book 5 stars wrote:

I haven’t enjoyed a book this much in a long time. Sharon Lynn Fisher’s Ghost Planet grabbed me into one of those book trances that leaves you unable to do laundry, sleep, or function in the real world until you finish. When forced to put the book down, you walk around in a book bubble thinking about the plot and how it might twist and turn until you can pick it up again. This is when you decide pancakes are awesome for dinner so you can go back to your comfy spot and slip back into the emotions of the book.

I love science fiction and have never felt that it should exclude romance. Relationships always drive a story whether it’s between warring factions, governments, scientists, or star crossed lovers. Where would Star Wars be without Han and Leia? Ghost Planet blends them seamlessly and this is a story where neither the science nor the romance takes a backseat to the other. They both hold their own in a way that as they interact, they each become more. The sum is greater than its parts... (Read full review)


  1. This is so exciting, Sharon. Not surprising at all, but still so squeeeee-worthy to see GHOST PLANET getting the early Big Thumbs Up buzz it deserves.

    I said it before and I'll say it again.

    Two words: Breakout. Novel.

  2. Those might be my new favorite words. :) And yes, squeee!

  3. Woo hoo! Mucho congrats on some well-deserved kudos! Wowzer!


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