
Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Today we're celebrating the launch of GHOST PLANET, from Tor/Macmillan! (Click for buying options on Sharon's web site.) Leave a comment for a chance to win a signed copy, as well as a DVD of the film Solaris!* (You can read about the connections between GP and Solaris at SF Signal today.) Need a question for a prompt? I'll repurpose the one from my guest post at Book Chick City!

If you could have the ghost of anyone follow you around (or could follow someone else around AS a ghost), who would you choose?

Other giveaways are happening at the following locations:  
  • Drop by the Facebook online launch party for a glass of virtual champagne. Or if you don't like the virtual kind (I sure don't), BYOB, I won't tell!
  • Author interview by Heather at The Galaxy Express -- Why I mixed sci-fi and romance, getting to know my characters, and the most challenging and fun parts of writing the novel.
  • Guest post at SF Signal: The GHOST PLANET / SOLARIS Connection -- In which I discuss how the sci-fi classic inspired me, and how the two stories differ.
  • Author interview at Castles & Guns -- Three things everyone should know about me, advice to aspiring authors, and thoughts on worldbuilding.
{very sci-fi image of my favorite party beverage - please have a glass!}

*Fine print: DVD and signed copy US/Canada only. Otherwise, Amazon gift certificate.


  1. Congratulations, Sharon. You've had to wait a long time but now the day is here!!!!!
    A ghost to follow me around? leonardo da vinci - I'd like him to see how the world has changed and how his ideas have become reality. And to show him his work is still there!!!!!!!! Ah - if we could be so lucky.

  2. The day is finally here! Squeeeeeeee! So excited to see this one blast off.

    May it be the first of many, many SFR hits, and a "storied" career as an author.

    Congratulations, Sharon!

    Oh, and who I'd like to "ghost?" Hmm, well, power of suggestion: George Clooney would be fun!

  3. Huge congrats Sharon! I'd like to ghost after my kids and see what they really get up to at school. :P

  4. This is SO exciting! Mega congrats, Sharon, and thanks so much for allowing us to be part of this journey with you! Like the song says, "this could be the start of something big". In fact, heck, it IS the start of something huge. Woohoo!

    As for the ghost thing--how about the shade of Charles Dickens whispering character studies into my ear?

  5. Woot! Congratulations, Sharon! I absolutely love the cover for Ghost Planet and look forward to reading it. :)

    If I could be a ghost to anyone, I would want to stay with my family and make sure they are all okay.

    Many sales to you!

  6. Saw your announcement on Twitter - I love SFR! Congrats on your release! I'm off to visit the rest of the tour, now.

  7. Woo-hoooo!!! Congrats, Sharon--I'm so happy for you and looking forward to reading your debut!

    As for the ghost question, Jane Austen.

  8. Congrats Sharon! I love the cover. :) I don't know if I can pick a ghost - they scare me!

  9. Yay! for Ghost Planet release day! Can't wait to read it :)

    As for who to ghost...? Hmm. Perhaps I'd haunt Henry VIII. It sounds like he had a lot of fun :)

  10. @ Barbara, thank you so much! GREAT ghost. He might draw you naked though.

  11. @Laurie: Oh yes, GEORGE . . .

    @Pippa - HA HA, good one! It would never work for me. I would be trying so hard to micromanage her, as usual, but unlike usual she would be able to completely ignore me!

    @Donna: Thanks SO much. You guys have been AMAZING support. And wow do I know I can be a handful. :) And as for Charles, HA, poetic justice for him - the ghost of fiction past

  12. Jessica, thank you! SO glad you like the cover! I was so pleased with it, and got amazing support from my publisher through that process.

  13. Wow, thanks so much Tam! And welcome to the tour! :)

  14. Anne - That is SO funny - that's exactly who I picked over on the Book Chick City post. I figured she could give me writing and general life advice, and make me laugh!

  15. Hi Kat! Thanks so much! It's okay, unlike on Ardagh 1, ghosts are not required here. :)

  16. Erica, thanks SO much! As for Henry, HA, if anyone deserves to be haunted he does!

  17. Congratulations! My copy arrived on my kindle this morning! Woot!

  18. Congratulations!!!

    I think I would like my Grandmother Crapper. She was always laughing! Who wouldn't wnat someone to help you laugh your way through life!!


  19. And how can you not laugh your way through life with a name like that!

    Thanks for dropping by, Nan - you are making the rounds today!

  20. Note about the giveaway: I will randomly choose the winner soon! Trying hard to catch up after Tuesday :)

  21. I would have my twin brother, Since we were born preemie babies. I always wonder how my life would be with him. Although he might drive me crazy. XD Congratulations on the book.

  22. Congratulations my dear friend!! It's been a long haul but you deserve the success! I'm so proud of you!!! And of course a toast to Murphy and Elizabeth!

  23. Apologies for misspelling your name - NATALIA!

  24. We have a winner!

    Using the random number generator, the comment selected was #5...Jessica Subject.

    Congratulations, Jessica!


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