
Monday, December 31, 2012

A Brave New Year

The pending apocalypse now forgotten, 2012 was a very eventful year for the co-bloggers here at Spacefreighters Lounge as we ticked off several important boxes of our Mission Success goals list, taking a few giant leaps forward in our writing careers.

Looking back is always a tad bittersweet. We'll never again experience achieving those monumental firsts -- signing with an agent, releasing a debut novel, being named as a Golden Heart finalist -- but as amazing and career-changing as those big moments were, they're just one more step in the right direction. Just one more block in the foundation of our careers. We look forward to more big moments to come in the next year.

May 2013 bring you much success and take you far down the road toward reaching all your goals.

Happy New Year
From Spacefreighters Lounge



  1. Congratulations to each of you on your 2012 achievements! Good luck in the upcoming year.

  2. Thank you, Merinda. Wishing you all the best for 2013, too!


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