
Friday, February 15, 2013

SFR Brigade Presents: Eye of the Cobra 2

About SFR Brigade Presents

Each week, up to twenty participants from the SFR Brigade community of writers post snippets on their blogs or sites from a published work or work-in-progress. You'll see how varied and diverse our little subgenre can be, with snippets ranging anywhere from space opera to alien romance to steampunk.

You can visit the SFR Brigade blog main hub for links to the offerings of other talented Science Fiction Romance writers who are participating. I'm sure you'll find something that intrigues you.

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About This Week's Installment

Last week I joined SFRBP with the opening of my new work-in-progress Eye of the Cobra. This is a planned short story in my Draxian Universe series that introduces Daedrea and her not-so-loving father, a titled Night (dictator), Heaed Barr of the Jarmey System.  You can read last week's snippet here.

This week, it becomes clearer why Daedrea is so terrified by her father's summons.


Daedrea pressed a hand to her throat. What had she done to earn this tribunal? She’d made herself as invisible and unnoticed as possible after the incident with the Ithian consulate. Hadn’t she been punished enough for that infraction, even though the man’s death was not her doing?

Night Barr hadn’t cared who was at fault. His anger always demanded retribution.

And so she paid...

In the bitter cold of endless, stinking darkness in the Jarmian dungeons while enjoying Karba’s sadistic tortures with his neuro-twitch. She’d only kept her sanity because she knew her father’s memory was short. As soon as the calamity faded from his foremost thoughts, her torment would end.

It took five days for him to forget. Five horrible days she’d purged from her memory for the simple sake of survival.

Her knees trembled and she clung to the bedpost more tightly. What did he want with her now?


Thanks so much for stopping by this week. Comments are welcome!

Laurie A. Green


  1. Ew, good scene to set up how awful he can be - no holds barred even with his own daughter. Excellent villain, and conflict!

  2. Poor thing! She certainly has cause to fear his summons!

  3. I'd be petrified too! What a man to have for a father.

  4. Yikes. I certainly hope Dear Old Dad gets his later on in the story!

  5. Thanks for stopping by to comment, Rachel and Ed.

    Yes, Night Barr is pretty much evil incarnate. Good to know the element is coming through in just a few paragraphs.

  6. Now that is one evil villain. Man, I feel sorry for her. I want her to find happiness!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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