
Friday, February 8, 2013

SFR Brigade Presents

I'm very happy to join the SFR Brigade Presents blog tour of Science Fiction Romance snippets this week. Be sure to check out the offerings of other talented writers at the SFR Brigade main hub.

This is the opening to a never-before-seen work with the WIP title of Eye of the Cobra. It's planned as a short story in my Draxian Universe series. In this future a "Night" is akin to a dictator of an entire solar system.


     A summons.

     The electronic message instructed Daedrea to report to the chambers of Heaed Barr, Night of the Jarmey system. She steadied herself on one of the massive bedposts in her quarters and tried to draw her next breath. Such a summons struck terror into most of the males and all of the females in this sector. Night Heaed Barr was not a man you wished to share space with.

     Not even if you were his daughter.


Thanks for stopping by Spacefreighters Lounge on your tour. I hope you enjoy reading all the excerpts. 

Laurie A. Green


  1. Great stuff. I mean anyone who scares their own children must be evil/scare enough.

  2. That last line sure was a twist! You surprised a laugh out of me. great one!

  3. Thanks for your comments, Rafael and Laurel. I hope to post the next segment for round three.

  4. I agree with the others about the last line. Reminds me of King George V's line from The King's Speech (I paraphrase liberally, apologizing for my poor memory): "I was frightened of my father, and by God I want my children frightened of me."

  5. Yes, he's not exactly the "loving parent" type. :)

  6. Wow. Great hook! Sounds like a great read too.


  7. Love it! Great twist. Makes me want to read more.

  8. Thanks for your comments, Frances and Sarah. Glad it snagged your interest. The next snippet should be up next round. It gets a bit darker.

    *cue ominous theme music*

  9. Hmm Not sure I want to meet him in a dark alley. Love the snippet.

  10. Nice snippet, Laurie. The last line is great

  11. EEEEK! I'm scared of this guy already!

  12. Thanks for your comments, Greta and Eva.


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