
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

All The Things & Two Years Published - Pippa's Journal 5/7/14

I am a BAD blogger. Oh yes, I am. I could plead my excuses (there are plenty!) but I've been lacking on the inspiration side too. And I have so much news! Firstly...

I've been a published author for two years! Yay! It doesn't seem very long, but I've learned so much in that time that I feel like it's been longer. And yet I still feel very new to it all. Today would also have been the 2nd book birthday for my debut scifi romance novel Keir, but as this is still being re-edited for re-release (yeah, STILL working on that, sorry), I'm celebrating without my firstborn. Lol. But I did stumble across two more print editions that I had squirrelled away (honestly, I swear these have been multiplying under my bed or something) that I'm giving away on Goodreads HERE. Or you can enter via the widget.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Keir by Pippa Jay


by Pippa Jay

Giveaway ends June 07, 2014.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win
And tomorrow I celebrate being married to the same marvellous man for 21 years. That's now half my lifetime. Wow! If I ever needed inspiration for my heroes in my books, he's my template. Lol!

On a slightly less positive note, I had a rejection last week for my decopunk superhero story. However, I'd also had a request on it, so that went straight back out. No chance to sit and mope! I've also had the release dates for my scifi romance Tethered (25th July) and my YA paranormal romance Restless In Peaceville (20th August). With my paranormal romance short releasing in October and Keir still to get back out, this would give me five titles out this year, and nine altogether, with the possibility of a tenth if my decopunk is contracted. And at least two titles for next year. Twelve titels?! That'll be a nice backlist. :) If you'd like to sign up for any or all of the cover reveals/blog tours etc, details and the link to the forms are HERE.

Trying to organize all the blog tours and cover releases, on top of continuing edits and publishing paperwork, AND the Brigade's annual blog hop coming up for the end of June, I can honestly say I'm looking forward to my week's holiday at the end of May. I'm a superbusy little Brigader this year. And a superhappy one too.

Upcoming and current events:

So, aside from the giveaway for Keir, I've already mentioned the upcoming 3rd annual SFR Brigade Midsummer Blog Hop - Starry Nights. Sign up (for Brigade members) is still open HERE. This is one of our biggest events, and very popular. I can confirm there will be three main prizes (aside from those being given away by individual blogs on the hop) including Amazon or B&N gift cards worth $100, $50 and $25 respectively, plus a collection of SFR ebooks. Mark your calendars for the 21st-25th June!

Have you checked out the awesome and out-of-this-world offerings in the SFR Brigade sponsored category for the Brenda Novak Online Auction? Go HERE immediately! The auction is open until the end of May. Once they're gone, they're gone.

In the meantime, I'm diving back into edits and my admin jobs. I hope to be back to a more regular blogging schedule soon.


  1. Wahooo, congrats, Pippa! You are one busy lady!

  2. Wow, Pippa, has it been two years already? You've done so much in those short 24 months. Many congrats and best wishes for even bigger successes ahead.

  3. Thanks guys! Yeah, it's been a blast. I think I need a breather. :P


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