
Monday, October 6, 2014

RT Booklovers Convention...Here I Come!

Laurie's Journal

This week's post will be short and sweet being that I'm juggling multiple writing and personal life priorities, but I wanted to announce that I've just signed up for the mid-May RT Booklovers Convention in Dallas, which will be my first RT evah! (Or in Rocky Horror speak...Virrrrgin!)

You can view the conference details on the RT Booklovers Convention site, or check in via Facebook here:

I'm excited about the event, but even more enthused that I'll also be meeting longtime critique partner, fellow CCer and general online cohort Barbara Elsborg, for the very first time. Barbara and I go back to the early days of my quest to pursue publishing in 2007. (She's long since accomplished her goal and now has some 30 novels and many short works published.) She's also a frequent patron here at Spacefreighters Lounge.

*waves to Barbara and slides a frothy Billins down the bar to her*

I've never been to Dallas other than a very short stint to a non-hub area where I spent all my time inside a (non-writers') conference hotel, so I hope to enjoy some sightseeing and general tourist geekery, too.


I'm pushing forward for my January/February author debut with a SFR novelette, Farewell Andromeda--a story that takes place in the same universe as my coming full-length novel, which will be first in a new SFR series.

Progress report: Both works will be going out to editors in mid-October.

If you missed my big announcement in a past post, you can view it and get a sneak peek at the series and opening chapter of the first novel here:

Announcing Launch of a New SFR Series

I'm considering putting the cover for my first novel out to competition through 99designs. I've a vague idea for an image concept, but I'll leave it up to a variety of talented graphic artists to interpret my idea or create their own design that will capture the epic feel and scope of the work.

Fellow Spacefreighter Sharon Lynn Fisher went this route for one of her novels and I fell in love with the cover she ended up selecting for the first installment of her erotic short story series. Check it. Garden Rules cover design.


Congrats to Donna on a successful move and for her daughter's marriage this weekend. She wrote a lovely blog post about the event on Friday: Every Bride Needs a Hero

And three cheers to Pippa for her latest cover reveal, Rafflecopter giveaway and Scream! For the Cure charity event. Read all the details here: Make a Halloween Wish Title and Cover Reveal

Kudos to Sharon for continuing to juggle two very successful careers as both a RITA-Award nominated published author and a professional editor for SilkWords. Sharon's next SFR from TOR will be out in February! In case you missed it, here's the past news: Echo 8 Release Date: February 3 

And don't miss this! Sharon's first SFR novel from TOR, Ghost Planet, is now up for a drawing on Goodreads! Halloween is the drawing deadline.

Ghost Planet was both a RWA Golden Heart finalist and a RITA finalist for Best First Book!

Good Reads Giveaway: Ghost Planet

Are you planning to attend the Dallas RT in May? Please comment and let me know. I'd love to meet you there!

Have a great week!

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