
Monday, February 23, 2015

250,000 Hits!

Spacefreighters Lounge is celebrating a milestone in the midst of our Fabulous February Triple Launch:

Oh yes, we've hit another benchmark. A quarter of a million hits! Woohoo! *fist pump*

And, of course, we couldn't have done it without YOU.

Here's a big thank you to all our readers for following along on our authorly journey adventures, Mission Success posts and blogs about writing, Science Fiction Romance and books. We appreciate you all!

After Sharon's launch of Echo 8 on February 2nd and Laurie's debut novel launch for Inherit the Stars Part I yesterday, we're still looking forward to Donna's debut novel launch of Unchained Memory tomorrow!

We're so very proud to be introducing these three new novels to the growing Science Fiction Romance genre community for 2015. 

The journey continues. Viva la SFR!


Thank you for chiming in! We love to see your comments. (All comments are moderated so spam can be terminated!)