
Monday, August 31, 2015

Almost Back (I Survived Another August)

I apologize for being so quiet (and missing my blog dates) for the last month. But I have an alibi.

It's August--or as it is better known to my cronies, "HELL MONTH."

Every year for the last 20 years, August has been my nemesis when it comes to blogging or just about anything to do with anything online. I'm beset by a day job monster project with a deadline that's chiseled in stone. Well, not really, but it is literally written into law.

From the outside looking in, it may seem like I get sucked into a black hole, but the real scenario is something more like this...

August has always meant I miss a lot of good stuff, like various SF/R events and cons, local summer fests and enjoying traditional summertime activities like barbecues and, well...weekends. Above my desk at work are a long row of very fat binders that represent each budget I've completed trailing back into antiquity.

I looked up at that orderly row of fat soldiers the other day and thought to myself, "Every one of those suckers represents a summer I gave up."

So it was kind of an odd feeling this weekend when I closed the cover on another budget and thought to myself. "Well, that's it." This was my final budget. My very last. My Grand Finale. There shall be no more. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

I'll be leaving my job as a budget director in February with a "Goodbye, Farewell...and Amen." No more lost Augusts, and hopefully no more annual disappearing acts. Which will leave me a lot more time to write and blog going forward. And that makes me smile.

Hasta la vista and have a great week.


  1. Personally, I dislike budget time and I am not even directly involved in it. So congrats on surviving so many. But next February, you have something wonderful to look forward too! (Turning green with envy!)

  2. Thanks, Riley! Yes, a big celebration is in order come February. And my thoughts on hitting August 31st today?---"I'm free! I'm free!" LOL


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