
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Eva Caye's favourite character

In another of our series where authors tell us about the characters they've written, Eva Caye, author of the Sinclair series, joins us today to explain...

How I Fell In Love With A Lady….

You don’t understand, yet. Due to the worst depressive episode I had ever had, I lay in bed and decided I was already dead. My body, however, was still warm, but I had no energy whatsoever.
I would try to find thoughts that would stimulate me. Eventually, I asked myself the question, “What would I do if I won the lottery?” The answer: go back to university and study science.

So I fantasized about what I would study (answer: physics), and then what I would like to invent (answer: space travel). Eventually, I compared this new ‘me’ with the old ‘me’, and set them up to have a conversation. That was the beginning of Felicia the scientist and Victor the Emperor.

The conversations grew so intense that I had to get up and write them down. I finished the rough draft of Dignity in 20 days. Now, that’s inspiration!

You may not believe me, but it’s the God-honest truth: I finished the (very) rough drafts of the first four books of my To Be Sinclair series in 80 days. I was more than inspired; I was alive again. Productive. Distilling my life experiences into stories. That last day, when I counted the number of days I had been writing, even I couldn’t believe it. I just knew that I had something to look forward to of a day.

Ah, but Felicia/Felice! The ‘new me’ outdid my previous fantasies by light-years. She invented stargates! She trounced the Dukes in full Ducal Assembly! She and three men beat 10 men holding pulse pistols – with throwing knives! She had a dozen (and more) brilliant, well-adjusted children, too!

This is why I love Felice Sinclair: if a smart lady is given the power and money to follow her dreams, there is nothing she cannot accomplish. By power, I don’t mean political power; I mean, don’t stand in her way, don’t tell her she can’t (for whatever reason), and support her mentally and emotionally. Emperor Victor does that.

Felice is featured in the first two books of the series, about her courtship and the first years of marriage. The rest of the series is primarily about her children (4 books) and her grandchildren (2 books plus work-in-progress). Felice is the backbone of the family, so she pops up in every novel. She is integral to the final book, Morality, but in my work-in-progress, Ability, her influence is mentioned more than once.

This is why I am in love with Felice Sinclair: she has created and defined ‘the greatest ruling family in the history of the galaxy’, as I say in my promos. That is who I wish to be, someone whose influence goes beyond her family and friends, to inspire the galaxy with the wealth of her intelligence and creativity.

Despite political opposition, the failures of the human body, the demands of a family, and despite tragedies and travails and the evils perpetrated upon her, Felice Sinclair focuses her singular intellect upon each situation (but one; she can’t do everything right!) to devise what I consider ‘proper’ responses to the demands of the day. I want girls reading the To Be Sinclair series to be unafraid to pursue science in college and in real life, because they have Felice Sinclair as their intellectual role model.

And I want them to have satisfactory love lives and family lives as well! Although my books have a few sex scenes for developing relationships, I include Easter Egg short stories at the end, usually from another person’s perspective, and particularly to entertain readers who want more erotica.
Felice Sinclair is the archetype of the Intellectual Woman, from logical maiden to motherly guidance to elderly wisdom. I am grateful that Empress Felice has allowed me to channel her life from that future parallel dimension, and I hope my readers will enjoy subsequent books in the series, as well as the other stories I need to tell.

Eva Caye, author of the To Be Sinclair series, can build a rocket stove, tat lace, handle a gun, design book covers and permaculture garden plans, and teach teenagers critical thinking. Her favorite activities include writing science fiction romance and playing with her doggies. She currently lives in a tiny, century-old farmhouse with her magnificent husband and two marvelous mutts in Louisville, Kentucky.

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