
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Liza O'Connor's favourite character

Continuing our theme of authors' favourite characters, please welcome Liza O'Connor, who's going to talk about...


I’ve a great deal of characters I love in The Multiverses Series, but my favorite is Drogan, because in book 1 he saves his people from extinction when he is just a two-foot-long child and transports them to a new world where they will thrive. Then later, in book 4, he saves all the humans on Terranue, although most of them don’t even realize that.

So let me tell you a bit about Drogan…

First, I’ll tell you what Drogan isn’t: He’s not human, but neither is he a merman. He’s a water based, blue-skinned humanoid. Yes, his toes and fingers have a thin layer of skin between the fingers that goes about halfway up the digits to improve swimming in the ocean. His nails are sharp curved claws, which make it easy to grab fish. He also has both gills and lungs so he can swim deep in the ocean or walk on dry land.

When Drogan reaches his full height (slightly taller than a human) he joins the crew of an Outbound ship. Unfortunately, no matter how nice he is, the crew hates him and Captain Longfellow has to drop him off on a space station.

Drogan comes very close to dying on the station, but the Gods intervene and he’s rescued by a pack of dire wolves the station uses to quell riots. Turns out the dire wolves are much nicer than the humans who live on the station. Upon learning about poor Drogan, the wolves share their food and water and keep him safe from harm during his stay in their basement lair.

Once he recovers, Cass, the ghost, helps to sneak him back onto Longfellow’s ship. She can’t enter him into the ship’s database because ghosts can’t type. So Drogan is not technically a crewmember and thus is never paid for his work, but on the positive side he remains healthy and better yet, Zousan’s evil father Cronus stops trying to kill him since he believes the fellow is already dead.

Finally, when Sojourn comes on board, Drogan makes his first friend among the humans. And they’ll remain friends forever. Thus proving, the inability to make friends was not Drogan’s fault, only the rest of the crew are a bunch of hateful Xenophobes and jerks.

What I love most about Drogan is that despite his amazing brilliance, he does not value his life over others and is most humble and caring to all. This is an unusual for someone this smart. Extreme brilliance usually comes with arrogance and a lack of empathy.

Drogan’s total focus is on preserving The Path of Light so all creatures will have a happy future. This is his calling, and he is willing to die for it, which he proves over and over. I cannot count the times he nearly dies or does die. Fortunately, he is highly valued by the Gods, and they have directly saved him, or instructed others to do so many times.

Someday in the future, I have great hopes he will meet a female who will be his mate forever. His chances are much greater in the Search for Sentients Series, because he will be top science officer, many of the crew will be female, and there won’t be a single Xenophobe in the crew of what is unquestionably the finest ship that humans have ever flown.

Drogan designed it so they can cross both dimensions and multiverses with ease. He understands quantum physics better than any sentient alive.

Excerpt from the Gods of Probabilities
Drogan’s father, Emperor Osan, has brought his baby son, Drogan, to the scholars to be tested to see if he is the child of the prophecies. Korak, the head scholar reveals the results of the tests Scholar Hemp ran on Drogan.
Drogan scored the highest thus far in friendliness and non-aggression.”
Osan scowled. “He has only known his mother and myself thus far.”
Those are excellent qualities for the one to be sent among other species.”
Osan nodded. He was still thinking his son would become the next emperor. For that role, friendliness and non-aggression were the worst traits he could wish for the boy.
And his mental acuity?”
What? My son was manipulating dimensions within four days of his hatching!”
Hemp smiled at him. “Yes, he’s very bright.”
But according to you, not as bright as seventy-seven other primitives.”
We are calling them Gods’ Gifted. Primitive has such negative connotations.”
Osan nodded. “I agree with the change in terminology, but I believe you have incorrectly judged the depth of my son’s intelligence.”
Hemp smiled. “Entirely possible. The Gods may have gifted your son with skills and understanding we cannot even fathom.”
Korak leaned forward. “What this means is that your son has every qualification to be our diplomat to the universes beyond.”
Except there are seventy-seven others who could do it better,” Osan muttered.
No!” Hemp cried. “None is more qualified than Drogan. It is my task to identify the one the Gods meant for us to send off-planet, and of the few friendly and amiable Gifteds, your son ranks highest in all categories. Plus he has excellent credentials, being your son.”
Osan closed his eyes, giving in to the power of the Gods. “So he is truly the one?”
Both Korak and Hemp smiled and nodded.
And that’s how Drogan came to be on a ship with a bunch of Xenophobes.
If you want to know more about Drogan he can be found in book 1 and 4 of the multiverses, and of course, the upcoming In Search of Sentients Series
Book 1: The Gods of Probabilities Amazon
Book 4: Surviving Sojourn Amazon

Shortest Author Bio Ever:
Liza is different.


  1. In your series, the children are often smarter than the adults... do you think it's because the adults have developed hatred towards those different than themselves but the children still reflect the innocence?

    1. Honestly, I attributed it to the God DNA that lazy Thoran put in the embryo sacks. :) But when sentients judges another sentient by silly things such as color and shape, in that I think children might be better at accepting differences as long as their parents don't negatively influence them. Normally, they take on the beliefs of their parents, so Xenophobia never goes away.


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