
Monday, February 15, 2016

T-Minus Eleven Days...and Counting

So, yes. In eleven days, I'm going to be undergoing a major life-changing event.

Next Friday, February 26th, is officially my last day on the day job. I will officially become a FULL TIME AUTHOR. (Gimme a big Wookie WOOT!)

I hope to use the extra time (60+ hours a week!) and the balance of 2016 (all ten months of it!) to kick out several shorter works in my Inherited Stars Series, in addition to up to two more full-length novels (and in my universe, the definition of full-length novel is 110,000 words plus!)

Needless to say, I've been looking forward to this jump into authorly hyperspace for a very long time. I hope to make the transition smoothly by treating it like a job and scheduling my work days and tasks just as I do with my current occupation, but with one fantastic advantage. No more 40 mile commute! Yahoo! And that much more time to write, revise, edit, promote, and network... 

But writing and publishing aren't the only things on my plate. I've also been brainstorming several projects to help the SFR genre as a whole get more visibility and recognition. It's a little too early yet to talk ideas or share details, but as things gel up, I'll be bringing them forward for SFR Brigade input.

Meanwhile, my coworkers (special thanks to Tamara) are sending me out in Sci-Fi Style with a very genre-appropriate announcement. Of course, I just have to share this with the Spacefreighter patrons.
(In case you're wondering, the Evil Dark Lord SHARE is the cursed name of the sinister accounting software that has wrecked havoc on my universe since the Galactic Year 2007.)
Although there are a lot of people and a lot of perks I'll miss about my soon-to-be-former profession, the Force is telling me this is the right time to "move along, move along."

 Cue closing title. :)
Don't forget Donna S. Frelick's big Facebook launch day bash is coming up on Wednesday. I'll be in attendance with several other authors as we send TROUBLE IN MIND into the wild, black yonder. Don't miss it!
Have a great week!


  1. Exciting, your future is. Happy I am for you Laurie!

  2. Here's that big WOOKIE WOOT!! Wishing you all the best as you take that big leap into the future. You'll probably find that you have much less focused time than you think to spend on your writing activities. Somehow life intrudes no matter what. But "retirement" is a very different sort of life than the outside working world. At least you won't miss that long commute! Congrats!

    1. Everyone keeps telling me that, Donna, but I'm hoping the gain of 10 hours a day is going to translate into a LOT more writing progress. We shall see!

  3. Congrats on becoming a full time author. Love the themed announcement.

    1. Thank, Pippa. Yeah, Tamara did a wonderful job on that. I couldn't have asked for a more suitable announcement. :)


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