
Monday, April 25, 2016

Introducing the Portals Project (and Why Readers Will Love It)

Something's coming. Something FUN! But let me start at the beginning and explain what this project is all about.

When I put on my reader's hat, I'm often plagued by the same stumbling block that many readers face. Namely, finding books I love!

There are just so many out there calling my name! I've impulsively snapped up books based on a flashy ad, a terrific cover, or something in the blurb that resonates with me, only to find the story is just not my cup of kinna.

Scouting the great wide book universe for your kind of books--and especially hunting down those in the Science Fiction Romance vein--is no simple task. Sifting through offerings to locate and vet potential treasures on Amazon (or the venue of your choice) by reading through countless blurbs, reviews and clicking the "look inside" feature to get an idea if it ticks all the major "must buy!" boxes for you takes a lot of time.

And "a lot of time" is something few of us have.

What to do?

We just might have a solution for you! Here's the big announcement:
Introducing Portals. 
The #SFRBrigade community of writers is planning a FREE four volume set of Science Fiction Romance beginnings ~ and only beginnings ~ of 40 books by 40 different authors!  
This isn't an anthology, it's a transport to whisk you away to a host of exciting SFR worlds. We know you're going to enjoy the trip, and you're sure to find many amazing adventures you'll want to get lost in.
These four volumes will offer readers who are already fans of the genre a quick and easy way to scout Science Fiction Romance stories that capture their imagination and incite their sense of wonder.

They'll also serve as a gateway for those who've not yet read SFR by providing an unique sampler of what the genre has to offer--the exploration of exciting new worlds, times, and civilizations, and the characters who live them.

To make your literary treasure hunt even simpler, the volumes have been divided into various heat levels--mild, medium and hot! (The first volume to be released will be medium, followed shortly by its sister ships.)

And the authors? You'll get everything from flagship best sellers to perennial favorites to new pioneers. Here's the list of anticipated contributors (in no order whatsoever):

Marcella Burnard    Susan Grant    Lyn Brittan    PJ Dean
Athena Grayson     Sharon Lynn Fisher     SJ Pajonas
Greta van der Rol    Diane Burton    Lisa Morrow    Maeve Alpin
Veronica Scott       Amy Riddle-Declerck       Pippa Jay
      Monica Enderle Pierce   Donna Frelick    Sandy Williams
Laurie A. Green        Alison Aimes         PJ Dean
Melisse Aires     Cara Bristol      Cathryn Cade    KC Klein
Sabine Priestley   Wendy Lynn Clark     Marie Andreas
Jenna Bennett       Michelle Diener     SE Gilchrist
Aurora Springer     Pauline Baird Jones       Amelia Treador
Liana Brooks       K.M. Fawcett     Carysa Locke
Rinelle Grey     Lea Kirk     Rebel Miller     Elizabeth Munro

Exciting, yes?

You'll note the names of the Spacefreighters crew are highlighted in blue--and yes, we're all in! As authors, we're enthused about the opportunity to have our work included in Portals.

What are some of the other Portals authors saying about this collection?

Susan Grant
"From an author's view, I love the creative energy generated by this amazing group of storytellers, who, like me, are excited to be part of this collection. From a reader's view I can't wait to dive into all that dazzling energy transferred to every page."

Stephanie J Pajonas
"I loved the idea of Portals from the beginning. It was such an honor to be included with many other science fiction romance authors and their first-in-a-series works. I thought the Portals project was an ingenious idea and I hope everyone enjoys the new authors and stories we present to them in the collection."

Amy Riddle-DeClerck
"It's so difficult for new writers to get themselves noticed by readers. The Portals projects are a great way for readers to 'try it before they buy it' and hopefully discover new favorite authors!"

Veronica Scott
"I love the idea of The Portals project, providing a wide variety of science fiction romance for readers to choose from! I'm excited to be among this company of imaginative authors, which certainly includes many of my own favorite reads."

Cathryn Cade
"The Portals project brings some of SFR's best and brightest for readers to meet and fall in love with their characters and series. I'm thrilled to be a part of this!"  

Sabine Priestley
"They had me at Portals. Just like the inter-galactic portals in my books, this series will transport you to adventures across the galaxy. Jump in and enjoy the ride!"

Melisse Aires
"Don't we all sometimes wish we had a portal to a fascinating world full of adventure and romance? That is what this collection is all about."

Diane Burton
"I love being part of this project and pleased to be included with so many terrific SFR authors."

Lisa Morrow
"The Portals project is such an amazing idea, both for writers and readers. Readers are able to sample different writers without making a major commitment. Writers get the rare opportunity to show new readers a taste of what they do and hopefully have people who may never have otherwise run across their work become devoted fans."

Information about the release dates, covers reveals and more details will be coming soon. We promise you won't have to wait long!

Please share your thoughts about the Portals project in comments below. We'll choose a random commenter to receive a $5 gift certificate!


SPECIAL UPDATE 5/7/16: The Portals now has its own website so we can keep everyone informed on the latest news and help you find even more great Science Fiction Romance. You can visit the site here: Portals


  1. This is an exciting project and I'm thrilled to be part of it with so many other talented authors! :D

  2. Thanks for your thoughts, Pauline and Lea. I'm excited to be a part of it too, and putting on my reader's hat, I can't wait to dive into all these stories!

  3. This should be a great way for new readers to find SFR and dedicated SFR readers to find new authors they love. So proud to be a part of this project! (P.S. You don't need to include me in the drawing!)

    1. Yay, Donna. And yes, I'll opt you out of the gift card giveaway. (I usually exclude the Spacefreighters crew from any drawings.)

  4. I'm thrilled to be a part of this project! A great way to introduce new readers to the genre while helping avid readers discover new stories. I can't wait!

  5. This is a terrific idea and I'm delighted to be a part of it.

  6. Fabulous idea! You're totally right about the time it takes to vet and locate new authors that speak to you. Looking forward to this!

    1. Thanks for your thoughts, Marlene. We're looking forward to it, too.

  7. Me, too! Can't wait for the reveal. It should be soon!

  8. Such a wonderful idea! I've only dipped my toe into the world of sci-fi romance. Can't wait to jump in!

    1. Kelly, one of the things that's so exciting for us, as authors, is finding readers like you. :) So glad you stopped by to comment.

  9. This is a fantastic project and I'm excited to be part of it! I LOVE the covers and I'm excited to be in such good company!

    1. I'm with you, Athena. Can't wait for the cover reveal, which is coming very soon--possibly this week! (We'll edit this blog to announce it.)

  10. I recognize many of these authors and love their works! I'm addicted to SF Romance and can't wait to read these books. The only con I can see is that once I've read a book I'll have to wait for the second one to come out when I know I'll be dying to see what will happen next! A good problem to have. LOL

    1. Thanks for your comment, GoingVanilla. I totally agree, that's a nice kind of problem. :)

  11. Love this idea! Looking forward to the project.

    1. Thanks, Karen. We're excited to start getting the volumes out there. It shouldn't be long now!

  12. Love this idea! Looking forward to the project.

  13. We'd like to announce the winner of our Amazon gift card. The winner, chosen at random, is Kelly Crissy-Nickerson. Kelly we'll attempt to contact you through your account, or you can leave a message in comments here. Congrats!

  14. SNAP‼️ This is so great! I to have many books that I thought I'd like but alas... . They are good stories but not what I was really looking for. This sounds like a super cool way to check out authors I like and find new ones I've never had the chance to read before. Thank you so much for the time and effort to put this together! I'm looking forward to this with a smile on my face!

    1. Thanks for your comment, dialeigh. We're really excited that the first volume should be out next week. Portals now has its own website and I'll be updating this post with the link. Hope you'll stop by.


Thank you for chiming in! We love to see your comments. (All comments are moderated so spam can be terminated!)