
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Going #Cosplay Crazy #StarWars

If you follow me on social media at all, you might have caught a glimpse or two of the General Hux cosplay I'm making for my 11yo.

I'm not one of those absolutely-must-be-exact-to-the-very-last detail people, but I like to get the overall look right. I don't have a pattern for the Hux outfit, just a lot of photos and bookmarks to various cosplay threads such as this one at RebelScum Forums (where they're even suggesting fabrics, making their own metal insignias etc. I wish I had their skills!).
I've been fortunate in avoiding a huge amount of blood, sweat and tears over this one in creating it. I bought the First Order badges from eBay and etsy (although the hat one wasn't quite what I expected and not quite correct colour-wise), picked up a jacket and some satin trousers from my local charity shop that I've adapted. I've not yet got the belt (which is a fairly simple plain metal buckle) and I need to make the tunic and create a brim for the hat (I've been using this one on etsy as a guide, but you can actually buy it HERE if you don't want to try making it ).
My main worry was the boots. The costume is for my 11yo, and he has huge feet for his age. Riding boots (the closest equivalent) would cost a massive £80 and never be worn for anything else - too much. So, we picked up some ankle length riding boots for just £16 (which he can wear elsewhere) and a pair of leather trousers for £1. The plan: Use the leather trousers to make fake tops to fit to his short boots, thus creating the look.
If you want to see how that works out and more details on the whole process, I'll be posting it on my tumblr blog during my summer break.
This is not my first attempt at cosplay though possibly my biggest. I made a Blake's 7 hooded tunic with fabric teleport bracelet, and the trademark Liberator gun made from a lemonade bottle, the curly cable from an old set of headphones and painted ping pong balls for the handle for ArmadaCon when I was 19. I've made a Princess Leia dress for my husband (don't ask), and a Hobbit outfit for my 11yo. A couple of years ago I finally made myself a Jedi tunic and cloak: Not as a specific character but the general kind of Jedi uniform (which I plan to wear for the Star Wars Experience in July). The Hux outfit is for 11yo to wear to the event.
But yesterday my friend Stephanie McGee - a more serious cosplayer than I am and one who directed me to Rey and Hux cosplay threads - tweeted that McCalls had patterns for Kylo and Rey outfits that were '80% screen accurate'. Now, I can work without patterns, but a pattern takes a lot of the stress and guesswork out of costume making. I didn't think much of Kylo as a character, but I do like his outfit, and I promised eldest a Rey costume (I've already bought her the staff). So I looked. Here they are on the McCalls site (images only, no buy links. To buy you need to go to McCalls main site and type the pattern codes on the front cover into their search, otherwise you'll be hunting all day).

But a little bit expensy. So I turned to eBay, and there were the same patterns. Only a fraction cheaper for the actual patterns, but way cheaper on the shipping to the UK ($15 with McCalls, only $8.32 on ebay. No brainer).
So I succumbed and spent my latest royalties on patterns. Oops? The seller dispatched them just a couple of hours later AND refunded me a bit of shipping because I bought two items - bless! Goodness knows when I'll be able to afford the fabric but at least I won't be guessing over Rey's costume now.
The problem with writing and cosplay is they both take soooo much time and there just aren't enough hours in the day. >_<
If you're interested in cosplay or costume making, I generally post to my tumblr blog HERE. At the moment my step by step conversion of two Monster High dolls into two of my book characters are up, with more to follow...

Status Update
The June project is still in edits with me and I'm starting to wonder if I should rename it July or August, while Reunion and Revived still await my attention.
The Bones from the Sea is back up, edited, and (as far as I'm aware) free at all retailers.
A Scifi Short Story
Goodreads | Webpage
Available from... Amazon
Kobo | Omnilit | iTunes
Smashwords | B&N
Portals: Volume One is also free to download from multiple retailers. Volume Two is set to release on the 31st of May.
Available from...
Amazon | iTunes | B&N
Kobo | Google Play | ARe 

Keir and Keir's Fall are on sale until the end of May.
Keir (Book #1): 
Amazon | ARe | Kobo | iTunes | B&N

Keir's Fall (Book #2):
Amazon | ARe | B&N | Kobo | iTunes 
Submission call! From Carina Press:
Alien Love: A Romance Anthology "We’re looking for romances featuring at least one main character from another world... Tone of the stories should be sexy, but can range from darker to campier, sensual to trashy....we want to see new races, new cultures and lots of sexual tension..."
For more details visit their site here:
Submission link:
Closing date: September 6, 2016 Decision made by: September 16 2016

Chook Update
I close with a rare photo of all six of our girls together, and the arrival of another new critter to our garden.
Left to right: Effie, Fizzgig, Pitch, Scoop, Kyru, and Chiana

Broad bodied chaser dragonfly (female)

Next week I'm off for half term holidays again (hubs is home and a heat wave is predicted - time to hit the beach!) so I'll be leaving a snippet from something for you to enjoy. Haven't decided what to share something from yet. Pippa Jay signing off...

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