
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Out Celebrating

Right now I'm spending some time out with hubs as we celebrate our 23rd wedding anniversary and I failed to think up some thing to blog about before the weekend. I also managed to take a chunk out of my right pointing finger on Saturday, so typing is a huge struggle right now - hopefully I'll at least be able to ditch the oversized dressing by tomorrow so I can get back to work...sigh. So just a couple of quick updates this week.

Status Update
Edits on The Bones of the Sea are now done, and I've uploaded the new version. However, I can't find it in the Kobo store despite an email saying it's there, D2D wouldn't allow me to set a pre-order because it's free so I'm going to have to hit publish on the 16th, and right now I'm doing the 'make my book free' tango with Amazon. Sigh. Right now the updated version is only available for free at Smashwords, and free pre-order at Omnilit.
The planned June release is still in edits with me, while the first round of edits on Revived is awaiting my attention.
The first volume of Portals should be releasing next week, with the rest releasing at fortnightly intervals (if all goes to plan). All four will be totally free first chapter samples from right across the spectrum of science fiction romance (and trust me, it's a vast range of sub-genres we'll be crossing!).

The Blue Moon Blog Hop will start next week.

Chook Update
Effie and Kyru now seem fully recovered, though still missing large volumes of their feathers - I'd take a picture of Effie stretching her remnants of wings but she doesn't keep still long enough, lol. I'm still feeling incredibly guilty over the loss of Spaghetti and Rush, especially as Spaghetti was youngest's new chook. And while I can't say I forgive the fox, I know it only did what was in its nature and the fault fully lies with us in failing to safeguard our pets knowing the fox was around. We've learned our lesson. We've built a newer, stronger run (and hence the finger injury, though it wasn't weaknesses in the old one that were at fault, I still think it's a sensible precaution to do it), and though the chooks are begging to be let out, their garden time is now restricted and strictly guarded ie when at least two of us are out in the garden with them AND with the lower end of the garden (where the fox comes in and can hide in undergrowth) strictly off limits with a barricade. So far we've had no sign of the fox, so it's probably off hunting something easier at the moment.

Ping Pong
Last week Donna posted about the five things she wanted from a science fiction romance. So for contrast, here's a post I did last year on the exact same topic over at the RWA FFnP website at the invitation of Cathryn Cade.

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