
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Countdown Continues! #StarWars

In just three days, I will be at the Europe Star Wars Celebration at London ExCel. I'm so excited! Especially after seeing this tweet yesterday. The set up has begun!
While I'm not going to be splashing out on a Mark Hamill autograph or photo opp (I know, once in a lifetime thing, probably, but too expensive for this poor, starving artist...) but I'm hoping to make his panel on the Friday. And I get to meet fellow Brigader and fangirl Patty Hammond. Woot! Just being there with fellow fans and seeing it all is going to be AWESOME! And I can't wait to wear my cosplay when I go up Saturday with 11yo in his Hux outfit. I really hope he's going to enjoy it and that it won't overwhelm him too much.

I'm also counting down to my seven week (ish) break with my monsters. I still have blog posts to write and schedule, my two current sets of edits are with one editor and one proofreader, I should have two sets of Portals ebooks to upload to ARe...and just seven working days to do it. Eeeeep!!! I've binned my July NaNoWriMo project that I'd planned for a sub call (the first time in a couple of years I haven't completed Camp) because I need to work on an existing novella for a box set and have Gethyon ready for September. Um, engage panic mode?!

Status Update
Gethyon is finally back with my editor. Woot! Hoping to be wrapping it up soon. My Rebecca contest entry is with my proofreader. The next project up is an alien romance that needs a pretty good overhaul to become part of a multi-author box set being arranged. And then back to Revived and Reunion, and my winter solstice SF mystery that I'm no longer calling a romance...

The SFRB Summer Blog Hop is happening right now! Join us to visit Other Worlds for the chance to win one of three $50 gift cards and book bundles.
Next week I hope to have some photos from the Star Wars Celebration.

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