
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2017: Let's Begin Again

Happy New Year! Let's hope it's a good one. Christmas is over, my monsters go back to school at the end of this week, and the long cold haul until spring stretches out ahead of me. Sigh...

This year will see me job hunting, and not for a writing job. I want something that means I earn a living wage, and I'm not of a mind to write to order for someone else. I'd like to go back to lab work, but I'm older, I've been out of formal work for nearly fifteen years, and I have kids to think about. This could take a while...

But in the meantime, I made one promise last year that I have to keep. I have to release Keir's Shadow: Book Three of Redemption. It's written in ink, both real and digital, at the back of book two, so I have to stick to it. Right now, the book is a huge, huge mess in need of major work, but I've set myself a tentative deadline of May/June to have it to my editor so she has six months to tear it apart and make me fix it better. I have both good and bad feelings about this. :P

Aside from that, I'm making no promises. Nuh uh, not one. I have several WIPs that have edits waiting on them that I could work on, but I'm no longer focusing on writing. I need a living wage and I'm off to find it. I'm sorry if anyone was hoping for more books from me. There just isn't enough of a market for my books apparently, and aside from throwing a spacefreighter full of money at promotion (which I don't have) I don't know any other way to turn it around. But I won't be quitting completely.

In the meantime, here's to a better year across the world (and to Guardians of the Galaxy 2 in May, woo hoo!).

Love and luck...


  1. While I feel a little sad that you'll no longer be a full-time author, I totally understand the dilemma. Until this industry starts valuing the people who actually write the books, I fear a lot more are going to follow the same path and go from frequently to occasionally published. Or simply stop publishing at all.

    Best wishes for a productive and happy year ahead wherever the path takes you, Pippa.

  2. I understand where you're coming from, Pippa. As Laurie said, our work isn't given the value that it deserves. Best wishes on your job hunt...and your writing.

  3. Not an easy decision - but I certainly understand. Not very many people earn enough from writing to be able to just write Good luck in the job hunt

  4. Tough to have to make this choice. But once a writer, always a writer. You may find after a time away from the keyboard, you'll return with much more energy and a whole new approach. Or your life may take a new turn that you can't anticipate now. May the Force be with you no matter where things lead.


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