
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

#CampNaNoWriMo Help - OneLook Reverse Dictionary

This week I'm on spring break with my monsters, but I also signed up to Camp NaNoWriMo (yes, I'm a sucker for self punishment, ha ha) and yesterday was my first day because I can't work weekends. And in the first hour I'd set for myself, I ran into that age old problem - having a word on the tip of your tongue but not being to actually recall it. Know the feeling?

But it reminded me of a handy tool a fellow author shared to me - the OneLook Reverse Dictionary/Thesaurus. This little gadget allows you to type in a concept/phrase/sentence related to the word you want but can't quite articulate, and generates a list of alternatives. It might not be exactly the word you wanted, but if it can't provide you with a good one maybe it can nudge you toward that elusive collection of letters you were really looking for. You can find it here:

Status Update 
It's day one of spring break and my first official day at Camp even though technically it's day three over there. Sigh. I'm already running into difficulties with one of my two novellas scheduled for revision during the event, and an email has gone to my editor. I may end up doing two versions of this novella until I can settle on how I resolve one of the hero's issues.

Chook Update
A few quick pics, including an amphibious visitor!

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