
Friday, June 2, 2017


Some writers will go to just about any lengths to sell a book, and you can include me in that group. This Thursday, Friday and Saturday I'll be trying a new platform for sales--and it won't be the latest version of Kobo or Smashwords. Nope, it'll be a table at one of the biggest yard sales in the country--one that winds along some 500 miles of country highway through parts of Kentucky, Tennessee and my own state of North Carolina. Yep, I'm going to be selling here in Marshall at the three-day Highway 25 Yard Sale!

The nation's 12th longest yard sale started in Williamstown, Kentucky in 2012 and now incorporates 30 cities (and countless homes, villages, churches, garages and corner store parking lots) along its route. Marshall's "Hot Spot" will be in the lot of a former restaurant off the U.S. 25/70 Bypass, under the auspices of the Beacon of Hope Community Services Center, which already manages both a thrift store and a food distribution center for Madison County's struggling citizens.The Beacon of Hope folks have rented spaces to crafters and others, like me, who might want a chance at the bargain-hunters rolling along the big yard sale route.

My table last year at the Fredericksburg Indie Book Fair.

So, who knows? It might be the biggest audience yet for science fiction romance! Wish me luck!

Cheers, Donna


  1. Oh my gosh, wish we were there. A 500 miles yard sale? We'd be SO there!

    Good luck, and yes, please tell us how it goes. Love your booth, by the way. Very cute and well-themed. You should get plenty of attention.

  2. We call them car boot sales here in the UK. Not sure how big the biggest is as I don't think anyone has ever measured them, but one of the biggest locally that's held every week in summer can take two or three hours to wander round. They even installed a playground in the middle for the kids.

  3. Cool. That sounds more like what we'd call a "flea market" here, Pippa. Yard sales tend to be on your own property, or close to it, where a flea market is where you go to a gathering where people are selling things--usually household items, crafts or things they make or grow. Donna's event sounds like it's sort of a hybrid Yard Sale/Flea Market.

  4. Oh, then that's a garage sale here, though yard sale is being used - all the US shows mean Americanisms are coming into the British language.

  5. Oh wow. Yard sale, garage sale, rummage sale, moving sale and estate sale are all basically different words for the same thing here. And a lot of people enjoy a summer pastime of "going saling" as opposed to "going sailing." :)


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