
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Busy #amwriting

I'm on a roll with the new book, dear readers, so I'm in a happy place. Apologies, but for now, I'm just going to share a bit of my other persona - photographer. Enjoy the pretties.

A bat fish breaking the surface. The people feed these guys, so they come close to the boat for food.

A pelican coming in to land. Takes them a while to stop

A rainbow lorikeet keeping its eye on where it's going to land

I LOVE ospreys. This one is taking off from a tidal pool. Look at those wings.

I love whales, too. This one's coming up next to the boat for a look at the people. It's a humpback.

I have a portfolio at Dreamstime if you'd like to see more. Thanks for stopping by. And now, it's back to the writing.


  1. I absolutely LOVE the shot of the lorikeet, the way its wings are so perfectly framing it, and with those colours. Glad to hear the new story is going well.

    1. The picture was pure arse, of course. Right time, right place, right equipment. But yeah, the symmetry of it is stunning.

  2. I love all the photos, but the Humpback! That's magic. What a fabulous shot.

    1. I've got some great whale shots (even if I do say so myself). There are a bunch at Redbubble

  3. The lorikeet photo is amazeballs! Definitely prize-winning worthy and deserving of wider publicity and praise :-).


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