
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

May-be I'm Back #amwriting #Authors4ALSA #ThinkBlue4ALSA

And here we are with May almost over. Wowzers. I can't believe how quick it's gone, and there's a few important things to mention before the end.

Final days for Authors For ALSA
May marked our Authors Supporting ALSA month, including two of my co-bloggers here at Spacefreighters - Laurie and Greta - and the Blue Cover Brigade. But May is drawing to an end, which means you don't have long left to help support the ALS Association by picking up on of the beautiful blue cover books from Authors Supporting ALSA!

Looking for Blue skies and smooth sailing to cure ALS

The skies are Blue,
Our books are too.
​We're fighting ALS
with some help from YOU! ​

Twelve enthusiastic sci-fi romance and paranormal romance authors. Fifteen fantastic blue covered books. One month to help support an outstanding organization.

From May 1-31, 2018 these authors will donate a minimum of 25% of their sales of these books to the ALS Association, an organization dedicated to providing ALS patients and their families with a multitude of different types of assistance, and continuing research to find a cure for this deadly disease. 

Already got Keir? Don't panic. I've decided to add any sales from any of my other blue cover books as well (but not The Bones of the Sea as that's a free book so there are no royalties to donate). 

Already got those too? You can always go to the Blue Cover Page on the ALSA site and make a donation direct here:
ALSA Twitter:
ALSA Facebook Group:

Now, I understand things can be tight so there is still another free way you can help us by sharing this post anywhere on social media. All it will cost is a few seconds of your time, and it could make all the difference.
However you choose to do it, thank you so much for your support!

Going Solo: A Mini Review
I'm not going to post spoilers and I'm going to keep it brief. I can't say I was all that onboard with the idea of the film - I'm not a fan of the character, and my leaning is much more towards the Jedi and the Skywalker family. However, I loved Rogue One and I went into Solo trying to view it as another chapter in the Star Wars universe rather than who it was about, and elements of the trailers looked interesting. But while I liked the film, I didn't love it and I felt it was rather shallow and a little on the dull side overall. It could have been so much more. My favourite bit was the train heist and the first appearance of Chewbacca, with the finale my least favourite and falling flat. Oh, well.

Writing Update
Don't freak out but...I've been writing. Oh, yes. I've been working on a side story in my main scifi romance series, a *missing* novella my editor thought should take place before book three. I've also done some tweaks on a Christmas story for Keir and Quin that I gave away as a limited edition freebie in the last two years, but that I'd now like to get edited and with some proper artwork for an official release, AND I've pulled out my SF mystery novella in the hope of finishing it. No, I still can't just work on a single project...

Chick Update
The babies will be three weeks old tomorrow, and they're at the scruffy stage as the last of their feathers start to grow through. They only really have chick fluff left on their heads now, but I'm still none the wiser on gender. By now my Pekins had shown signs of gender, but not my d'uccles! Little teases. 

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