
Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Twenty Five Years: An Ongoing Mission #anniversary #romance

Today marks my 25th wedding anniversary. I've now been married more than half my lifetime, a sobering thought in the scale of things! Consequently this will be a short post as apparently my husband is more romantically minded than me in real life - maybe I use up all mine in my books, lol - so we're off celebrating.
So just some updates:

Brace yourselves but...Reunion has finally gone back to my editor. It might even release this year! And reading that over even inspired me to open up another WIP and add to it. Yesterday also marked my 6th anniversary as an author.

Chook Update
Just two days until the d'uccles eggs hatch! I can hear tapping and scratching from them! Kayla has started laying, leaving just Jasmine to start, but Phasma and Fizzgig have gone broody (and boy! Phasma is a savage broody, with some serious velociraptor growls and hisses). Jasmine has also taken to jumping in my lap and climbing my shoulder if she suspects I have food. Here she is trying to steal my icecream.

Authors For ASLA
You still have plenty of time to help support this great cause.
Looking for Blue skies and smooth sailing to cure ALS
May is ALS Awareness Month and twelve sci-fi/paranormal/time-travel romance authors have joined forces to donate 25% of their May book sales to the National ALS Association! Help us raise money to support the ALSA in their mission to provide care for ALS patients and continue their research to find a cure for this heinous disease.

Look for these hashtags on Twitter to find and help support our efforts:


Find more information and links to all the participating authors on the landing page (Lea’s site):

Or check out the Blue Book Cover Brigade Team Page on the ALSA Site (where you can also find more information on the condition, the association and their work, and more ways you could help):
ALSA Twitter:
ALSA Facebook Group:

Pssst, if you already have Keir I've decided to donate any proceeds from sales of any other of my blue cover books, so even if you just opt for my short story Reboot at only 99 cents, you'll still be contributing to the cause! Just click any of the covers below to go to the sale links, and be sure to check out all the other authors books by going HERE:

And May all your skies be blue!


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