
Friday, June 22, 2018


They don’t call the debut of a new book a “launch” for nothing. First there is the long lead-up of frantic activity—prepping the manuscript, lining up the promotion, doing the interviews and guest posts and what-not. Then there is the blast-off of Launch Day, bringing all of that promo to a head, trying to be everywhere at once, clinking a little celebratory glass with a small group of friends at the launch party (and signing a few books, too!) and watching your book rocket across the sales ranks in its (brief) shining hour. 

I have to admit the excitement of a new book doesn’t last long for me. I still have a few promotional things working their way to the end. And, of course, now begins the perpetual drumbeat of asking for reviews on the book folks have just bought so that others might be tempted to buy. My biggest sales event arrives with Shore Leave, the SF con coming up in early July. But those sales won’t affect my Amazon ranking, just my pocketbook.

Now that the fireworks are over, my focus is on the next book—and a good thing, too, since folks at the book signing were asking me what the next book was about. They even wanted to know if I’ve thought about a new series. Luckily, I’ve made a start with the next book—Interstellar Rescue Series Book 5, tentatively titled King of Pain. I have a premise, a hero, a heroine and a rough outline for that book, and I’ve even written a couple of chapters. I hope to have the first draft finished by, say, next January.

As for the next series, I have an idea for that, too. The smart thing would be to write something—maybe a short story or a couple of chapters of a new book—set in that universe while I’m working on King of Pain. We’ll see if I’m that smart!

Because the truth of the matter is conceiving, writing, formatting, promoting and selling a book is a lot of work. A little down time between projects is not such a bad thing—recharge the batteries, you know? At least for a week or two.

Cheers, Donna


  1. Yes, creating a book is a LOT of work. You can have a week off. Enjoy the break. And very best wishes for heaps of sales.

  2. Enjoy that hammock! You earned. (At least for a few days. heh heh)


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