
Monday, March 18, 2019

Sci-Fi Tees Strike Again!

Since I don't have anything more exciting to share this wonderful day-after-St.-Patty's-Day Monday morning, I'll treat (?) you to another installment of my Sci-Fi T-Shirt Collection. These are all newbies that I've picked up since December.

Actually...I was attempting to do my first video blog today with my t-shirts as the subject, but our horrendously slow-to-the-point-of-being-ridiculous (I'm looking at you CenturyLink) internet speed would not allow me to email or download said videos, so we'll have to save my video blog debut for another time.

::: avoids urge to go on rant about horribly substandard internet service :::

Suffice it to say we're working on a solution that hopefully will let me begin video blogging in the near future, like just about every other author I know who doesn't have the distinct misfortune of living with CenturyLink DSL in the hinterlands.

[Do you get the impression I'm fed up? Why, yes. Yes I am.]

Okay, I snuck a l'il rant in there anyway, didn't I?

Enough grousing.

On to the T-Shirt Show and Tell.

Let's start at the beginning. Literally. heh

This new find may be one of my fave shirts of my entire Star Wars tee collection.

I've been looking for it forever--knew it had to be out there somewhere--and finally found it!

Sadly, my photo doesn't do it any justice, because it actually has bright blue letters that stand out boldly on that flat, black background and spell out the famous words...

A long time ago 
in a galaxy far, 
far away....

That needs no introduction.

In the sci-fi universe, it's a trademark in and of itself. And it doesn't even need the Star Wars logo in brilliant yellow or blazing red to form a frame of reference. You can hear the theme song fire up in your head as soon as you read those words, can't you?

Seriously, is there anyone on the planet who doesn't know what that vague scene-setter preamble is announcing?

*cue orchestra with iconic theme music*

Next up...

Quick change of universe and franchise.



This one also lacks any sort of logo labeling, but it's pretty obvious at first glance what famous sci-fi ship is pictured in all it's ET-esque glory in front of that big, full moon.

Of course it's the Firefly-class starship Serenity. 

She's probably one of the more maintenance-challenged ships in the sci-fi universe, in spite of the best efforts of her uber talented ship's mechanic, but we love her anyway.

Or maybe, we love her more because of her quirks and failings.

In case you've never made her acquaintance--or even if you have but just want to be back on her shuddering decks one more time--here's a quick trip on the good ship Serenity.

Next I have a special find. Because in space, no one can hear you scream...for coffee! And if your ship happens to get hurled thousands of light years from home and coffee is a rare-but-very-necessary commodity for a certain commanding member of your crew, you can certainly appreciate the sentiments.


Well, I appreciate those sentiments anyway. I couldn't function without my coffee either, Federation directive notwithstanding!

I even have coffee mugs that match this t-shirt.

Do you sense a theme here? I love my coffee. It's something Captain Janeway and I have in common.

Another is I like it prepared the same way.

"Coffee. Black."

But here you go. Experience this little moment of sci-fi fandom history as it unfolded on the Federation ship Voyager, Captain Janeway commanding.

[You may need to turn your sound up for this one.]

I also have coffee mugs that match the t-shirt.

And finally, I have another t-shirt from the Star Wars realm that is quite a memento.

It features scenes from the entire spread of the franchise's three (okay, make that two-and-three-quarters) trilogies along with the signatures of many of the stars who played the iconic roles.

Harrison Ford.

Mark Hamill.

Carrie Fisher.

They're all there.

Who needs to chase down autographs? 
: grin :

I have four more t-shirts to reveal, but I'll save those for another blog--or even a future video blog if our venture pans out.

If you just happen to be tuning in and missed my Sci-Fi T-Shirt Collection trilogy of blogs in 2018, here are the links so you can do a quick review.

The Tees Have It: Wearable Statements of Sci-Fi Fandom

The Tees Have It: Take Two (Including Star Trek)

The Tees Have It: Final Edition

Let me know your fave to date. :D

Have a great week!


  1. Janeway rocks! Love these Ts, Laurie. :)

  2. Thanks, Lea! I loved finding these new ones. I think I better stop collecting for space issues now, though. Only so many will fit in my wardrobe. LOL


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