
Friday, April 5, 2019


Ah, high school plays! Those drab, dusty rehashes of Romeo and Juliet, Our Town, Oklahoma! You remember—with the one cute boy and girl destined for Hollywood (or at least local dinner theater) and the rest of the senior class pressed into service for the rest of the roles and/or scenery-painting.

But not for one high school in New Jersey. Fuh-get-uh-bout-it!

The students of North Bergen High School recently took on Ridley Scott’s 1979 film ALIEN for their school play project and the performance earlier this month was nothing short of spectacular! Even the trailer was professionally done! Amazing!

And lest you think this was the creation of a rich, charter-school environment, think again. The kids managed all of this with a budget of just $5000. Take a look.

If, for some reason the clip won't play, you can find the YouTube video (by the Geek Twins) here. Give these creative kids a shout-out!

Cheers, Donna


  1. Well... that was different. Well done, kids. It looks great.

  2. Now I'm jealous. We only did South Pacific and Once Upon a Mattress for our high school plays. Why couldn't it have been 2001: A Space Odyssey? LOL! Looks like these budding actors did a great job--and that's a wonderful promo video, too!


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