
Thursday, May 23, 2019

At the edges of Middle Earth

I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan, have been for years. I loved the book and I loved the movies. Yes, sometimes the plot and the characterisation in the movies wasn't what Tolkien described, but hey ho. Different media, different times. I particularly liked the scenery, which as everybody knows, comes from that tiny island nation three hours East of Australia as the 737 flies. I've made a few short trips to the North Island effectively on business, but I really would love to do a Lord of the Rings/Hobbit tour, visiting the locations.

It has been made abundantly clear by family and friends that I can do that on my own and sometime I'll do just that. Meanwhile, the OH and I went on a ten-day trip seeing some of the sites on the South Island.

I've written the blogs on my own site, so if you're interested in a look at Middle Earth, join me at A ten-day small group South Island tour.

Oh - George. How could I forget to mention George? Here he is.George came, too.


  1. I'm also a huge LOTR fan and would have loved to have been along with you and George on your NZ tour. Have you seen TOLKIEN? It was a little slow, but provided wonderful insight into how his life yielded the creative fodder for Middle Earth. The awful battlefields of WWI really were Mordor for him, and we see that in the film.

  2. Haven't seen TOLKIEN but I will. I've seen quite a bit of biographical stuff, though, including a doco by National Geographic. Yes WW1 for Mordor and the green fields of England (before industrialisation) for the Shire - and subsequently what was done to it in the scouring of the Shire We went to p;laces where I just KNEW they'd filmed segments. I think I've watched the 'making of' supplementaries almost as many times as the movies. Much watch again and play 'spot the location',


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